Font size


Unless I'm missing it I wish I could adjust the default settings of font to be bigger. I keep getting complaints from my networks that they need glasses to read discussions.

I see where you can adjust font in the message that you send out but when I receive them in my inbox the fonts still small.

Let me know if I'm just overlooking something


5 Replies


Is this still happening?

If so, is it only in specific email readers, or do you find that this is happening everywhere?

Here's what I think is going on: It can be hard to adjust the font size because the sizes get applied on top of one another in HTML. If you try out more than one font size, it sometimes LOOKS like you've successfully made the font larger, but when the message goes out, it's still extra small. Can be remedied by going into the HTML source, but that's annoying. IT WOULD MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE IF THE DEFAULT FONT SIZE WERE LARGER! Please consider making a blanket change in the default font size. You can always go back and make that customizable for each groupsite later.

Please also note that while 5 font sizes are listed in the pull-down menu, sizes 3, 4 and 5 look like they're not useable because the line spacing does not adjust, so when you try it the words get all squashed together! Please consider making a blanket change in the line spacing in the text editor too, just so that people realize they can use the larger fonts. I never dared to try it until now.

Amy and Keith,

All of this seems to be resolved now, in the latest release of the text editor.

Hm. Seems better, but the default font size remains 9pt, a size which is not only too small but is also not available on the pull-down menu, so you can't return to it after you start playing with the font size.

Great to see these problems being resolved, though.

p.s. The font size I see while editing is larger than what appears on the screen after I submit my reply.


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