Delete or suspend?


We will probably need to, at least temporarily, remove some of our members from our site (dues issues). What is the difference between suspension and deletion? What happens with suspended members? Do they have any access to our site while suspended?

4 Replies

Hi Liza,

Suspending a member is perfect for dues paying organizations.  It is temporary and can be changed at anytime.  Deleting a member is a permanent solution to be used as a last resort.  Here is a link to instructions on suspending a member:


Celeste - Client Services

Thanks for the reply. I know how to suspend a member. I couldn't find any information about what kind of access a suspended member has.

Also, what would happen if a member is deleted and later re-invited? What happens with previous posts? Is he/she linked back up with them? (I saw elsewhere that a person who is deleted still has his/her posts showing until we contact you to purge their information from our site.)

Hi Liza,

Sorry that I did not fully answer your original post.

A suspended member can only get to the Summary page of a Groupsite, and it is a “read only” view. Other than accessing


, such as using the “Contact Managers” or “Feedback” links, the suspended member cannot access other areas or participate in the Groupsite.

A suspended member will not receive announcements (Email Blast, Discussion blast, etc.) from the Groupsite. They will receive Recent Activity Update digests, but we want to omit suspended members from this distribution in the future (Ticket #2343).

A suspended member will see “Suspended” next to their Groupsite name in the Switch Groupsites drop-down menu. Their suspension status would remain until such time a Manager changed their status back to “member.” We do not currently send a suspension notice to that member.

Regarding a deleted member, if the person is later re-invited, he/she will link up with their previous post(s) as long as did not delete their entire account and the same Email address is used. Yes, the previous post(s) of a deleted member will remain on the Groupsite.

Perfect! Thank you, Celeste!

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