Designing your GroupSite Header


How do you get the Header text to either be positioned in the center with a picture on the left or the picture on the right with the text on the left. Right now my Group title is over my picture!

5 Replies

Hi Hudson,

You actually can't change the position of that text in the header today.  But, what you can do is change the position of the image by re-creating the header using a program like Adobe Photoshop. 

You'll need to create a header between the dimensions of 950 pixels wide by 122 pixels high and position the image to be on the right side.  Designing the header outside of your Groupsite will always give you more options.  For example, you can use a different style of text and place them right over the image so it looks like one piece. 

Hope this makes sense!

All the best,




I must be doing something wrong in Photoshop. I create a canvass 950x122, make the background black, add text, position my photo on the right side - it all looks perfect. I flatten the image, save it as a tiff which gets converted to jpeg is the save process.  I upload this and it DOES NOT APPEAR as my header. I have tried 3 different variations on this changng the background to transparent, white and black. Nothing works.

What's wrong?????



Do me a favor and send the file to so I can try using it myself.  I'll let you know what I find.



Are there any videos or step-by-step instructions as to the various options of how to design a Groupsite header?  I have a jpeg I wish to use but can't figure out how to do it.... it sounds like I may have similar issues to the gentleman above, though I'm not using Photoshop or anything.  Just trying to do it within your program or to use MS Publisher or something similar. Thanks.

Hi Zoe,

Here are the instructions for uploading a Custom Header:

How to Upload a Custom Header

Once your Groupsite is subscribed to the Custom Branding feature, you can upload a custom header. Here's how: 

    • Go to the MANAGER tab.

    • Select the GROUP SETTINGS sub-tab.

    • Locate the "Appearance & Branding" section and click the "Update Now" button.

    • Scroll down to the "Custom Header Graphic" section. Use the "Browse" or "Choose File" window to locate, and then attach, your file.

    • Click SUBMIT/UPDATE.

It's that easy!

Note: Your custom header graphic should be exactly 950 pixels wide x 122 pixels high. To overlap the main menu background strip with your header graphic, increase its height to 146 pixels (instead of 122 pixels).



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