Problems with RSS Feeds


I recently started helping manage a groupsite on equity compensation.

On the site, I added 2 RSS feeds for blogs. There are already several RSS feeds on the site.

I'm having 2 problems:

  1. The Edit link for one of the RSS feeds is missing, so I can't change it. This was one of the feeds I created.

  2. None of the feeds are refreshing to show current content.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



3 Replies

Hi, Jeremy.

Thanks for reporting this.

1 - The issue with the content module you couldn't edit was triggered by a particularly long RSS feed title. It was "forcing" the edit button out of your view. We shortened the title and you should now be able to access your edit controls.  We also opened Ticket #1916 to make a permanent fix to prevent this in the future.

2 - We're investigating what's happening with your feeds under Ticket #1440.  It know it's a hassle, but you can manually update your feeds to refresh if that helps until we can fix this.

Diana - I'm chiming in on my feeds not updating... we have a rather large number of feeds in a number of groupsites and none of them are updating.  It's frustrating to be going through this problem again, so soon after having the same symptoms resolved not so long ago....

Feeds seem to generally be stuck at about Oct. 29th, and for example, when I click to edit today I see:

Nov-04-09 3:32 PM - Refresh failed
Nov-04-09 7:30 AM - Refresh failed
Nov-04-09 3:29 AM - Refresh failed
Nov-03-09 11:35 PM - Refresh failed
Nov-03-09 7:49 PM - Refresh failed
Nov-03-09 3:38 PM - Refresh failed

Hi, guys - I noticed we also had the discussion of RSS feeds not automatically updating in another thread.

RSS feeds are now refreshing as expected and Ticket #1440 is now closed. You can read more detail here.

Thanks, Diana

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