Questions about menu and content...


Just wondering if there are some ways of customizing the site a little more.

Is there any way to change the menu bar order, and the text? Is there a way to add pages to the communicate drown links?

6 Replies

Hi, Josh.

With a Groupsite, you have many customization options -- but we do limit what you can do in terms of re-naming or re-arranging your navigation bar.

Here's what you can do, relative to your navigation bar:

Using basic content customization, you can rename the SUMMARY tab as SUMMARY, MAIN or HOME. You can also create a menu "shortcut" -- that is, promote one of the nine core feature pages (Discussions, Group Blog, Calendar, etc.) to display as a tab on your Main navigation bar.

The premium version of this feature also lets you add more pages under your MORE tab, and rename that tab.

The reason we do not allow you to rename the COMMUNICATE, SHARE, NETWORK or MY SETTINGS tabs is so that users can enjoy a simple user interface, with consistent navigation and a single log-in for all of their groups. Then, they just use the "Switch Groupsites" button to toggle between their groups.

Thank You

Like an earlier user, I too am frustrated by the inability to
disable certain functions. Our site is called and we need a really basic discussion
board with only one thread. All we need is the Group Blog with a "Write a
Post" option only, maybe with comments on these but not really

We certainly do not need "Discussions" or "Subgroups". (We only need
"Email Blast" available to managers). However I cannot take these off
the users pages and have had to put rather ugly red banners across the
tops saying they are not in use. Not very pretty on an otherwise well
designed site.

Is there any way of deleting or hiding the "Discussions",  "Email
Blast" and "Subgroups" tabs?

Hi, Timothy - Sorry for your frustration! Groupsites are designed to facilitate the ability to communicate, share and network -- we try to include the useful features that 90% of groups need 90% of the time.  As they're designed today, you cannot hide the Discussions and Email Blast tabs.

A few workarounds that may help:

* Consider using Discussions, and delete all but one forum. Then, edit that forum and chose "Prevent non-managers from creating topics."

* Set your Group Blog so that only managers can write blog posts. (Members won't see the "create post" button). If you don't intend to use that feature, even as a manager, make a single post announcing that. That should prevent the need for an ugly banner, but still provide useful information if a member *does* visit the tab. 

You can use a similar workaround (settings and sending an initial blast) for Email Blast.

* You see the "Subgroups" tab because you are a Groupsite Manager. Unless you enable subgroups in your Groupsite, this tab does not appear for the general members of your Groupsite.

I  hope this helps!



Hello Diana - I have now switched over to Discussions and turned off user access to Group Blog. Still not totally satisfactory because it introduces another hierarchy which will mean little to our users, and may well confuse if they go to the "Discussions" page.

Another thing, when viewing in Safari on my Mac (OS 10.4) none of the customised block colours show, neither does the background pattern I uploaded or the banner ,jpg file. The lettering is coloured but that is all. Looks pretty terrible. Do you know why this is?

Diana,  no doubt you will see the comment I just posted in one of Celeste's comment streams about customization.

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