Recent Activity update emails not being received


Hey guys, need some help on this one.  I asked support about this a few weeks ago and was told it was a problem on my end.  I now have several other users not getting the recent activity emails.  Gmail, RoadRunner, Etc. 

Can you check again that something hasn't changed for my groupsite?

This used to work fine for months and now they just stopped about 2 or 3 weeks ago.  Did a group level setting get changed?  I checked my personal settings.





27 Replies


You might want group set to receive Recent Activity Alerts "unless they opt-out" instead of "only if they opt-in". This can be changed under the General Settings area under the MANAGER tab.

I had this reviewed for my Groupsite recently.

That's how it has always been set.  And it still is.


Hmmmmmm ...

We haven't heard of that... We did have some users not getting any groupsite emails.  Turns out it was something in how AT&T/Bellsouth were handling the mail and folks made a change on their end.

Hi, Mark --  From an admin standpoint, your group-level and member-level settings are correct to receive these. Also, I've been in communication with one of your Groupsite managers, Stacie, over the past few days and we had this open as Ticket #1837.

While we were seeing Recent Activity Updates going out, we did find a potential issue that may have prevented some users from receiving their updates from some of their Groupsites. We made a change and Stacie confirmed she did did receive her IntroduceMe360 Recent Activity Update a short while ago. 

Recent Activity Updates are delivered on Monday and Thursdays. We believe your issue is resolved, but if you're hearing from members next Monday that they're still not receiving their updates, please let us know.

It worked last week, but once again no updates on our group today. 

Stacie - This one still has us a bit baffled and we continue to search for the cause and cure. 


Can you please send the updates manually to all of our members until you figure this out?

Hi all,

I mentioned this last week also and have not received any updates, Thursday or today, Monday!  The only updates I get are the Champions group, but the other groups I belong to on this site, I get nothing!




This post made me realize we aren't getting our Recent Activity emails either. The last one I received is on September 14th. The group settings are for "unless they opt out" and "twice a week" - but nothing for a month now. The group is FitClub.


- Suzie

Looks like it's not just our group.  Still not receiving the updates! I'll ask again...

Can you please send the updates manually to all of our members until you figure this out?



Yes, I agree!  It is a very important feature to communicate with group and keep them involved.

Also, for some reason when I place a post like this it puts that Grey Shadow picture on the post.  I have a real Head Shot on my profile, but when I post it is replaced with the Grey Shadow and does not give me the option to include the real picture.  Any ideas on that!

Hey guys!  Would one of you please take a look at sending out our updates manually until you get this bug figured out?  It worked a few weeks ago, but haven't seen anything since.  Any update on the fix?  Any way to move it up on the priority list as it has been about a month now?


Stacy - We regret the inconvenience this has caused and it is currently our top priority, however, we have not yet discovered the cause so we do not have a fix.

As for your request to do this "manually", generating over 1/2 million recent activity notices one at a time is not a strategy that is possible.

We are working diligently to fix this not just for your group but for the entire platform.



I don't have any problems receiving these updates. I received one this morning as well. This is happening at irregular intervals, but I am getting these emails.

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