Manage members not working


I'm getting groupsite errors trying to get to the manage members & pending members pages of my groups tonight.

9 Replies

Chris  That is very strange.  It does not appear to be a system-wide issue, just you for now.  Strange.  I have submitted ticket #1831 to get the problem looked at and fixed.

Sorry for the hassle but thanks for letting us know.


Manage Members is not working for me right now, either. I can get to Pending Members, though.

I can't get to the pending members. I could invite new members.

I am having the same issue.  I had someone in our 'group' say they are not able to log in --is not recognizing their username and password

Me Three.  Can't get to Pending members

Glad to know it's just not me going crazy Laughing

I can see manage members & pending members now, but the data is corrupt.  

1) All my pending members besides 2 I invited yesterday are gone.

2) Many of my members show no email address.

My one group is pretty early on in its launch, so this is a dangerous time to have reliability issues.  We're trying to migrate people from Yahoo Groups and it is a struggle for many.  I don't want to give them any unnecessary ammunition against the groupsite.


Thanks for your prompt attention.

Everything seems to be working for me, now.

My groups are working fine now after the maintenance window this morning.  Thanks!

This morning's maintenance has resolved this and I've moved this topic to Closed Bugs.

@Barabara -- if a user has trouble logging in please ask them to contact us  at We can help them right away. Generally speaking (and we don't see it happen often), when a user has trouble logging in it is usually related to incorrect user name, incorrect password or a web browser cache issue. In all cases, we are able to help the user.


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