Profile Pic Not Showing Up


One of our members at AdvisorConnect pointed out that his profile pic shows up in his profile and on the summary page, but not in the discussion forums.  A bug?

32 Replies

We are seeing the same issue.  No pictures on discussion topics.  Also, it normally tells you who's currently online.  Even when I'm online it doesn't say so anymore.

Me too.  The profile pic problems is also happening here in the Champions discussions.  Must be a bug.  

Thanks for reporting this. It seems the profile pic displays in the original post, but not the replies. I've opened support ticket #1570 so we can take a look at what's happening.

I'm seeing both the problem with the missing profile pic in the reply and not seeing myself online currently.


I just noticed the same problem on my Music PAL GroupSite as reported above:
The photo images do appear on the Profile pages but not on the Discussion topic pages. There most are replaced with the gray (male or female) "default" image.

Hope this helps!
P.S. Same thing is happening on the page. The person posting the topic (see top of page) has a normal image while the rest of us (respondants) are getting the default images. Can you see it on this page?

It's been a week now for Support Ticket # 1570, just a friendly "tickler".
Any idea what's up and when this might get fixed?
We really miss seeing everyone's personal images in their posts. Smile


Hi, Michael. We agree and haven't quite nailed what's causing it yet. I don't have an estimate for completion but it is a top priority that we're looking into. Interestingly, I've also noted that if I edit my reply, my picture will display.

It's not displaying that I can see, even though edited. It shows up for you, Diana?

Liza, thanks for the feedback - it was! I just edited my earlier reply and now see my profile pic again. Not quite sure what's happening but I've noted this to our technical team.

What a funky bug! :)

Another (funny) thing now is that female members will get a "default" image of the male instead of female. This needs to be fixed before I get complaints about "sex mixups"!

Three cheers to our tech team!Laughing

Hi, Michael. Thanks for writing in. We weren't able to find examples of this but just drop a line to if you do confirm seeing this happening. We also look forward to the profile pictures displaying again soon!

Please let us know the estimate timeframe on when this issue will be resolved.  I'm really pushing my members to all have a picture on our groupsite.  I believe some people are having problems adding a photo to their profile.  If they keep trying, I think they eventually get it.  Is this a seperate issue? 


Thanks for your support!

Okay, a new quirk that may or may not be related to this issue, which you may have already noticed, Diana: the wrong profile pic is now showing up (in my case it is the first one I added when I joined groupsite initially). Any ideas on why? I haven't tried to change it back yet. Just noticed it.

Liza - It is happening to everybody and we are on it now to get fixed.  Don't you just love bugs?


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