Total Pages View shows a number in minus ?


My Group stats shows Total Pages View number in minus ? (-1790)

Is this a bug?


11 Replies

Yes, it was a temporary issue that occurred while we were resolving the inflated file cabinets totals.

On most of my sites I saw a uniform reduction in my pageviews. They all had 1, 2, or 7 views per post.

I also recognized a reduction in this months totals since last night.

My pageviews for last month were also reduced since last night.

These numbers are very important for what I do. What is/was the problem?

I am experiencing the same issue - What is the expected turn around to correct this issue? These numbers ar VERY IMPORTANT

My page view count is still far less than it was prior to this issue being posted - Is there going to be a resolution posted?????

This is a business impacting issue

Still waiting for a resolution to this as well.  Big business impact issue.  Can someone from CX just post an update to let us know where things are at?  Thanks. 


You may have noticed from my comment above and from other discussions in CollectiveX Champions that we have recently resolved previously incorrect statistical totals that had gone on for several weeks. 

Seeing your page views for those time periods go down as a result of us fixing the incorrect data this should be expected - this is not a bug.

Tip:  If you still believe that your totals are now incorrect, please contact support and state your reasons for believing that there is a new bug with stats.

Also:    @Errol - Page views statistics are not used to calculate view totals for discussion posts.  Those totals are updated in real time - every time somebody views the page.

My page view statistics over the last two days have not changed at all. I was averaging over 200-300 daily.

Yesterday the sites registered 0 for the day. There was no change in the numbers.


My stats have not changed at all since you made the fix. 

Errol & Brian,

You're absolutely right.  The statistics from a 48 hour period for the entire system were sitting in a "failed" state - all they needed was to be kicked off again (there's nothing wrong with them, it was something that happened during the transition to the fixed file cabinet counts).

I've kicked them off again as of five minutes ago and they are running as I write this message.

Thanks for remaining persistant. Smile  I'll let you know when it's finished running.

Guys, just a quick update here.

From what I can see everything has been restored.


We have had some reports of discrepancies between the individual user counts and the total counts for the time periods affected by the file cabinet downloads page view bug.

Just to be absolutely sure we have the cleanest possible data, we will rerun statistics for that entire timeframe sometime within the next few days.  Unlike the previous fiasco, we will be sure that the updates are fully transactional - there will be no partial updates or changes.

Our statistics calculation architecture itself is fully transactional.  However, he fix that we did for file cabinet statistics ended up having too many manual interventions.  Apparently, that was when the mistakes were made.




My page view stats are still way off.  My total page views are hyper inflated and the annonymous vs. member page views don't add up for the months of January and December.  I just spoke with Shaun about it.  This is business critical to me.   Please help.

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