Members reporting issues with logging in via cookies


What's your recommendation?

7 Replies

Not sure the issue. However one thing that would be useful.. Take a screen shot and post in the forums.. this would shed some light on the issue.

Is this still happening Marquesa?

If so, can you let us know what browser they are using and what version the browser is?

I received an error message when attempting to login to my group (using explorer browser) after I changed my password.

The URL of the error message is:

The error message says:

That page couldn't be found... if you came here from another site, check the URL and try again; otherwise, perhaps that item has been deleted?

Use the Back Button on your browser to return to the previous page.

I do have cookies enabled.


Please help.



FYI - I can never use Google Chrome browser to make changes to the group.

I get this sometimes when I am using both IE and Firefox.  If I delete my cookies, it resolves the issues, but this is really confusing for folks who don't know how to do this.  I sent a screen shot to support a while back.


Clare - I agree that this is a hassle.  We are looking into what we can do to keep all of the browsers playing nice. I have found that if you simply it your back button and try again, the problem goes away but even that is too much for the average user to have to deal with.

Most of our browser issues are solved by suggesting people use a "real browser" like Firefox (yes - we are all Mac users at CollectiveX) but it troubles me that this sometimes happens in Firefox as well.


A "Real Browser"??? 

Are you kidding me????  They still own 40% of the market.

You had better get used to it and face the fact that MOST people still use IE and your site can't handle it.

According to the numerous discussion regarding this issue it has been going for months with no solution.

How can I show potential client into the site if they get errors before they even login???

I will have to pull the plug on this GroupSite if this is not addresed in the next week.

Gerry - Just left you a voicemail and I look forward to your call.



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