Subgroup Questions?


Have a question about how to use subgroups?  Ask us here.

121 Replies

In my case, I am member/manager of the Groupsite and member/manager of the subgroup. I only have the option to Reply to this Topic, Unsubscribe [show subscribers], and another place to Reply to Topic. I can edit all of the replies, but not the topic.

When I get an email notice of a discussion in a subgroup, and I click on the link in the email that says Click Here to Join Discussion, it doesn't take me to the discussion, only to the forums page in my Groupsite. Is that how it's supposed to work? As it is now, I have to scroll down to my discussion link, then select the topic I want to see. Why the extra steps?

Is there a way to create a set of bookmarks like you can in the primary groupsite?

I love the subgroup option, but recently, when I posted a blog post in my subgroup, that I wanted to keep private, it showed up on my home page.  Were others then able to see it??  How can I keep my subgroup blog private to those group members?




Regarding your blog post, I am assuming that you are referring to its reference in the recent activity log on your homepage. The recent activity reference to your blog post is only visible to people who are members of the subgroup where the blog post was made - assuming your subgroup is set to private. If your subgroup is set to public visibility, all members of your groupsite see it in their view of the recent activity log on the homepage of your Groupsite.

I hope this helps to clarify things.


Hi - I have this same question.. if I can move Members to various subgroups myself - or - do I have to 'Invite' each fo them, and then wait for them to respond?  I didn't see that Sally's question was answered... maybe I missed it?

Alinean - Today you must invite to a subgroup, you cannot assign. If the subgroup is "public" they can self-select and join themselves.

I agree that we should allow managers to assign members to subgroups and we are looking into how to do this while keeping things simple and intuitive. (Enhancement Request #2043)


Hi there.

I've lookd around for an answer to this questions before posting.  Sorry if it's already been asked:

Is there a way to send a member an email when they are requested to join a subgroup?  (As it is today a member is notified of the invitation only when they go to the group.)




In a effort to reduce the amount of potentially unwanted emails from groupsite members, as of now, we've taken the approach of not emailing members when they are invited to a sub-group (if they are already a member of the Groupsite). Instead, we show them a pop-up sub-group invitation the next time they login to the Groupsite. We felt that if they are already members of the Groupsite, then they could accept the invitation upon login. 

If the invited sub-group member is not yet a member of the Groupsite, then they receive an invitation email inviting them to the Groupsite, once they join, they are then presented with a pop-up that invites them to the subgroup.

At the request of many users, we will be upgrading sub-groups with a feature that will allow Groupsite managers to automatically place existing Groupsite members within a subgroup. In this event, we will email members notifying them that a manger added them to a subgroup that they will be able to access upon login.

I hope this helps.

I wanted to add the module "featured sub-group" on the home page - no matter which sub-group I tried and if they were check-marked as featured in the sub-group admin area or not, I always got the error message "featured is not included in the list" - I have not been able to figure out how to resolve this. Any suggestions?


How can I delete a subgroup?

Hey Craig-

Here's a link to a blog post by Shaun on how to delete a subgroup from a Groupsite.  It's located under the FAQ tab along with several other helpful tips and instructions.




my question is similar to Sally Foster's - I manage a large organization with a number of committees, which I manage as subgroups - each year our members move to a different committee.  Isn't there a way for me to move them from one subgroup to anouther withouth having to send another invitation?

and is is possible to get their committee (subgroup) name to display under their profile picture in the main (not subgroup) member profile section?

Katie - Today there is not a way to do what you are asking but we are working on a way to allow managers to "assign" members to subgroups rather than require them to invite and hope to have that ability available soon.

We also like the suggestion of showing visibility to the subgroups under one's photo.  We are looking into this as well.  When we do it, we will not display any private subgroup membership listings.

Thanks for the feedback.


Can you guys share with us the upcoming sub-group plans?  Or at least a strawman?  Might want to consider how the Champions could "vote" on various sub-group features.  There has been a lot of interest in the subgroup functions amongst the Champions.  I'm sure many groups are using them in a similar way and many are using them in unique ways.

Katie's situation of a main groupsite with multiple committees seems to be a recurring theme.  I know I see that in all the sites I'm managing right now as well.

Displaying items 76-90 of 121 in total
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