RSVP on the Calendar is broken - PLEASE HELP!


I have people in my group who when they RSVPed for my event on the 24th did not get registered for the proper event.

Here is a screenshot of my calendar to show that I have an event posted for the 24th but not the 25th.


The image below shows that when I RSVPed, the correct date appears in the message. I noticed that the following link appears in the status bar at the bottom when I hoover over the RSVP history message for the image below. This image says the event is on the 24th which is correct and this RSVP shows up in the RSVP results list when I click on the event to review the RSVPs.(



The image below shows that when Vernice RSVPed, the incorrect date appears in the message. I noticed that the following link appears in the status bar at the bottom when I hoover over the RSVP history message for the image below. This image says the event is on the 25th which is incorrect and this RSVP does not show up in the RSVP results list when I click on the event to review the RSVPs. (


9 Replies


Interesting. Sorry we missed this support post. You've done a great job in supporting your post with screen captures - very helpful. We're looking into your issue now and will respond as soon as possible.




Not a RSVP related issue, However, It is relevant to the Calendar. After entering the dates and times for a Fri-Sun event.. I am able to list the starting time of this event for Fri, and the ending time for the event on Sun. The problem is I need an event time "range" which allows me to customize the events time.. Preferably a starting and ending time per day.

  • Fri event time would be 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm

  • Sat event time would be 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Sun event time would be 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Note: The event currently displayed on my page states, Saturday's times are (All Day) instead of a time "Range".

Wizard - My suggestion for your situation would be to post as three separate events with the correct starting and end times and be clear in the event description of each that this is a three day event.  You may also want to provide a hyperlink in the description of each event day that links to the other 2 days.



Done.. But  a Bit time consuming..

Lethia - Thanks again for taken the time to give us such detailed feedback on the problem you have spotted.  We are still tracking down the source of the glitch under support ticket #1107.

We hope to get to the bottom of this and get things back in order as soon as we can.


I have a user who finds whenever they try to RSVP to an event, they are taken back to the calendar, but their name is not included.


Do you know what browser they are using?  That might be helpful.

It's starting to look like we may have to spend several hours across several browsers just to attempt to duplicate the issue so that we can start to identify what's causing it.

I did chase it up with the user and have instructed them to update their browser - the problem was occuring on IE6 and i've heard what that did to your fish!

Will keep you posted if problem occurs when they change browser - RSVP always works fine for me in Firefox3


@Gareth... thanks for the research.. it's appreciated.

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