How to - Invite Right

How do you make Groupsites most effective? Invite the right people in. To "invite right," recognize that quality matters. Consider the purpose of your Groupsite. Then, invite only those people you feel will make valuable contribution to the group.

If you are a Groupsite Manager -- you can send invitations directly. Go to the MANAGER tab and choose the Invite Members sub-tab to do it.

If you are a Groupsite Member -- you can send invitations only if your Groupsite settings allow. Go to the INVITE tab and choose the Invite Members sub-tab to do it. (If you don't have this option, shoot a message to your Groupsite Manager. Ask them to pass an invitation along).

Here's an Email Etiquette Checklist that can help:


When you:

  1. invite people who know you.

  2. invite people who may be interested in your Groupsite.

  3. let people know what's coming, first. (See our Intro Letter blog post & sample).

Complaints! Risk being shut down, when you:

  1. import a purchased list.

  2. don't know the people you are inviting.

  3. send to non-specific addresses (,,,, etc.)

  4. send to distribution lists that send indirectly to a variety of email addresses.

  5. falsify your originating address or transmission path information.

  6. Use a third party email address or domain name without their permission.

  7. otherwise violate our Anti-Spam Policy or Terms of Service.


The strongest groups include like-minded people who share in their beliefs.

"Invite right" and you'll find that power and passion spring forth. Energy grows. More things happen.


Related post:  Invitation limits



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