Interview on Resource-Radio

It was my humble pleasure to be interviewed by Marilyn Anderson and Neil Hamilton of Resource-Radio this past week. We had a great time chatting about everything from the Army-Navy football game to creating truly engaged communities.

The question that stood out for me was - "What is the hardest thing for an organization that wants to get started using a Groupsite?"

My answer (after a thoughtful pause to think about it a bit) was, "Finding those people who care and are committed to interacting with each other (communicate, share and network) to make something happen." Once you identify those folks who are committed (which is not going to be everyone), creating a Groupsite and facilitating the social collaboration is easy.

If you are interested, here is a link to the entire interview:


If you would rather check it out on your iPod during a workout, here's the mp4 file:


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