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As of January 26th 2024, a "Members Activity" section is now available for managers to view activity by group members. To view the new "Members Activity" section, once logged in as a manager, click "Group Analytics". Here you will see the new section.
When in "Members Activity", you can sort information by clicking each header. You can also, use the calendar to adjust the date range for the desired information.

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As of January 26th, a "Blog" glitch has been fixed. Previously, before the update, when creating a blog that blog would update the "Recent Activity" feature before being saved. Then if a blog was edited, it would not reflect accurately in recent activity feeds going to dashboard or email. Also, after editing and updating that particular blog, there would be more than one iteration of that Blog in the recent activity feeds.
After the update, there is only one iteration of any Blog. When a Blog is created, it will be sent to the Recent Activity feature upon saving the Blog. When that particular Blog is edited, it will replace the iteration of that Blog, so that recent activity feeds will now show one iteration of a Blog. 

As of February 13th, owners of manually billed accounts, can now see billing information from Previously this information was only available through the physical invoices. Now if you are a owner of a group that gets manually billed, there will be an area to view your account, and group/s information. When logged in, click the "User Account" icon (top right corner) > click "My Account" > Under the "Platform Management" section, you will see your account/group to click. Here you can see the group/s, users, billing, SSO, and managers.

As of February 13th, the button to save an edited "File Cabinet" file, has been updated. Previously the button read "Edit File", which would save the file successfully. The button now reads “Save Changes”. 

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