Bulk Upload of Files/Documents


Migrating client's (state-wide association) collaboration site from SharePoint to Groupsite. Have a number of documents posted/stored in SharePoint that I need to upload to Groupsite. Is there a bulk upload process? Searched and found a 2010 post that says Groupsite is looking forward to adding a bulk upload feature, but couldn't find anything more recent.

1 Reply

Hi Sher,

We're sorry, there has not been much movement on the ability to bulk
upload files into the Groupsite file cabinet. Currently, the best way to
upload multiple files into the Groupsite File Cabinet is through a zip
folder. Otherwise you'll need to upload files one at a time as it stands

Here is some additional information regarding how the Groupsite File Cabinet works:

Groupsites do not currently have file versioning, or any sort of file
check-in / check-out. We do offer a shared file cabinet, where managers
and members may upload files for other members (or, non-members in the
case of public files) to access and download from the Groupsite.

Members can also re-name files at the time of upload, and delete any
file that they, themselves, have uploaded. Premium permissions are also
available that allow managers to prohibit general members from uploading

Once a file is uploaded into the File Cabinet, a Groupsite manager and/or the member who uploaded the file can:

replace the file with a new one

change the file's name

change the upload date of the file

enter or modify a description of the file

This is done by editing the file. Here's how:

1. Log-in to your Groupsite and go to the SHARE tab.

2. Select the File Cabinet subtab.

3. Locate the file you want to change.

4. Click on the cogwheel button:

5. An "Edit File" window will pop up:

Enter the changes you want in the appropriate fields, or browse out
and select a new file if you're replacing an existing file with an
updated one.

If you are entering a custom file name, do not include symbols ($, :, +, etc.)

If you are entering a custom file date, enter it as month/day/year, like this: 01/10/09

6. Click the EDIT button.

Your changes will be saved.

If you need additional assistance, this link to our Group Blog should help:



File Size:

If it's something you'd like added to your file cabinet, keep this in mind:

We recommend that you keep single file maximums around 25 - 50 MB,
although technically you can probably upload a single file up to ~150

The case for not uploading extremely large files is because the
larger the file, more likely the upload will fail due to some inherent
limitation with http connection. There are some aspects of this we can
improve on, but there are also things (the strength and stability of
connection on the user's end) that we are challenged to support adequately. 150
MB or more can also be a painfully slow download time for members,
depending on the speed of each member’s internet connection, computer
configuration and settings, computer memory, network capacity, etc.

Also, if you want others to be able to view a video presentation from
your Groupsite, you may be able to embed it into a Content Module. Here
are some links that may help:



Embedding the video as described above does require the video to be
hosted on the web; some free resources for video hosting and sharing
include Vimeo (http://www.vimeo.com/) and YouTube (http://www.youtube.com).


Allowed File types:

You can upload whatever you want to the file cabinet so long as it
isn't a virus:) In the photo gallery things will be more limited, for
example, .tiff will cause an issue in the Photo Gallery.

If you need additional assistance, please write to us at support@groupsite.com  .

Celeste Sharper Wooten

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