Pricing 300 + Users
I am looking for a tool for a community with 300 plus members. I am building the new portal for industrial association. I had a look at the pricing page and something looks strange to me:
The Large Pro Plan, is $99, but does support 300 users, only.
But the Free plan, with all Premium features and (two times the 5GB upgrade) is 81$ / month (9 upgrades each 9$) only and supports unlimited users.
Do I miss something or is there some disadvantage subcribing to a Free plan with all those Premium Features?
thx for any hints
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Hi Frank,
Please see my responses in green:
The Large Pro Plan, is $99, but does support 300 users, only.
Yes, this is the largest number of user's supported in our ad free, paid pro-plan, self-serve platform. If you have a community beyond 300 users and you want ad free with all of the premium features, including telephone support, you would need an Enterprise Plan which we do not currently advertise on our Marketing page. Shall I have someone from our Enterprise Sales team contact you? What is a good number to reach you?
But the Free plan, with all Premium features and (two times the 5GB upgrade) is 81$ / month (9 upgrades each 9$) only and supports unlimited users.
You are technically correct, at least the way our "freemium" plan is currently structured (although changes to the "freemium" plan and add on options are coming soon). Here are a couple of missing pieces to this puzzle. Structured in this manner, your group will have ads and your group is not eligible for certain features that we offer with paid plans only that are not available as add ons, such as our Mobile feature and our bulk edit and Subgroup Auto Assign features. Your group would also not be eligible for any new features unless they are offered as add ons (which more than likely they would not). In addition, the level and response time for support is directly related to the type of plan that you have, i.e. Basic; Pro-Plan; Enterprise.
I hope this information helps.
Celeste Sharper Wooten
Director, Client Services/Support
Hi Celeste,
thanks for your answer. This was exacly what I wanted to know. I am just checking different portals/community tools for an portal of an industrial association, which I will setup.
And I have to play around with the tools to get a feeling about how they work and what they are good at. I certainly will contact you later, if I think groupsite is an option for us.
The subgroup-auto-assing is a feature I would defenitely need, so I would have to go Pro-plan anyway.
This association has gots lots of members, but which do loginto the plattform not very often, so we won't cause much traffic on your servers. We we will have 600 + users, but most of them only log in 3 times a year. So a user-based fee is not really representig the way we use the plattform.
But before we discuss about pricing, I have to check out some more features.
Keep up the good work
as I wrote in a personal message, I have some more questions:
1. Is it possible to rename, move etc. the tabs ("Communicate, Share, Network) and the sub-Tabsd?
2. Is there a way to customise the "member profile list View" (e.g. which cloumns to display etc.)?
3. What are premium permission controls with advanced role-based permissions?
4. I need a admin-help rescource for Pro-Groupsite, is something like this available?
5. Any way to test a Pro-Groupsite for a limited time? (I just will test it without any users, only from an admin perspective)
6. Any API available to connect to content? If there is, please provide me more detailed information. (e.g if we wanted to add a carousel like jCarousel into a html-widget, could we connect to content e.g. a Blog inside of Groupsite etc.)
7. does AJAX work in your widgets?
8. Is there anyway to add more "More-pages" on the Top-Level (not as subs of "more")?
9. What are the implications of https considering speed. As my users will access the site form europe, that might be an issue. I had some problems, accessing some of your featured sites, which are using https.
10. Do you have communites, where most of the content is pubic and only subgroups are private (So I want to have a public website with access to some blogposts, events, file-cabinet etc, for all visitors, but some restricted areas only for members). But I don't want everybody being able to become member of this group without approval.
Sincerely Frank
Very ambitious Frank.. Just like me when I first arrived.. Oh I would elave then return.. test somethings and setting.. but wouldn't work and leave again.. but as you can see I'm here again..
As for your questions.. I'm sure you can do most of that if you know someone with html css skills.. buying one of those premo plans will open up new areas and settings..
As for admins.. best check with friends.. or persons you trust.. but hey who am I just a guy trying to fit in.. with groupsites markup.. hum.. Idea.. going to check it now.. cya.
Hi Frank,
1. Is it possible to rename, move etc. the tabs ("Communicate, Share, Network) and the sub-Tabsd?
With exception of a few areas, Groupsites today don't allow you to change the names of the main navigation tabs. For instance, "COMMUNICATE," "SHARE," and "NETWORK" cannot be changed (although "Summary" can be renamed to "Home" or "Main.)
One reason is because many active users are involved in more than one Groupsite, and it's important that the navigation stay clean and straightforward no matter what Groupsite they are in.
You also, today, cannot hide core features such as the Photo Gallery.
One thing you can do, however, that may help is to raise the visibility of the particular areas that are most important to your members. Here are 2 articles with a few ideas:
We do also offer "Content Customization: Add More Pages." You can learn more about your navigation bar tabs (and find a link to Content Customization info) here:
2. Is there a way to customise the "member profile list View" (e.g. which cloumns to display etc.)?
This functionality does not currently exist. But you can select who you want the data displayed by using the "Browse By" filter.
3. What are premium permission controls with advanced role-based permissions?
Here are the premium permission controls. You will find them located under your basic permission controls... they will be grayed out if you are not paying for this feature.
Premium Permission Controls
News Feeds & Shared Links Permissions
Add external news or blog feeds to the summary page.
Add links to the summary page and share external bookmarks.
Member Profile Permissions
Enable all group members to share their contact details on their profile page. Members have the option of hiding their contact information.
Allow group members to immediately select their name privacy settings during signup.
Calendar Permissions
Retain full control over your group's calendar by limiting non-managers from posting events.
Discussion Forum Permissions
All members can create new topics with discussion forums but, by default, only managers may create discussion forums. You can change this option to allow any member to create a discussion forum.
NOTE: Premium Permission Controls allow managers to create forums that are only visible to other managers.
Files & Media Permissions
All members can download files and view photo galleries, but you can choose to limit who can upload to these areas to managers only.
With premium permission controls, managers may create file folders that are only visible to managers.
4. I need a admin-help rescource for Pro-Groupsite, is something like this available?
Can you further explain?
5. Any way to test a Pro-Groupsite for a limited time? (I just will test it without any users, only from an admin perspective)
Unfortunately, we do not currently offer free trials for our premium packages, but we intend to add this functionality.
6. Any API available to connect to content? If there is, please provide me more detailed information. (e.g if we wanted to add a carousel like jCarousel into a html-widget, could we connect to content e.g. a Blog inside of Groupsite etc.)
We do not currently provide APIs, but tell me more, you may be able to achieve this goal through the use of content modules.
7. does AJAX work in your widgets?
It depends or where you are attempting to add ajax. It will more than likely work on the summary page within content modules, but will not work in other areas like discussions.
8. Is there anyway to add more "More-pages" on the Top-Level (not as subs of "more")?
This functionality does not currently exist.
9. What are the implications of https considering speed. As my users will access the site form europe, that might be an issue. I had some problems, accessing some of your featured sites, which are using https.
This should not be noticed by a user because the difference is too small to measure without performance testing. Trouble accessing those sites may have other causes such as your browser settings etc..
10. Do you have communites, where most of the content is pubic and only subgroups are private (So I want to have a public website with access to some blogposts, events, file-cabinet etc, for all visitors, but some restricted areas only for members). But I don't want everybody being able to become member of this group without approval.
Yes, we do have communities that fit the above described profile, except, once you make it "public" anyone can join the main group. You will know longer have an approval process for the main group. You can still create Private Subgroups for privacy from the main Group. Only members of the Private Subgroup would know what happens in that subgroup.
I hope this information helps.
Celeste Sharper Wooten
Director, Client Services/Support
Hi Celeste,
thank you so much for taking your time and writing this comprehensive answer.