Joining a sub-group with Limited visibility


If a user is browsing through our sub-groups and decides they want to join one that has limited visibility they have to Request an Invitation. The sub-group administrator then receives an email with the request. The sub-group administrator then needs to go into that particular sub-group and click on the Invite Member button, find the user in the list and then invite them. From there the user then needs to log on again and Accept the invitation.

Is that right? or is there an easier way?

It seems like an incredibly long winded process for a user to join a sub-group. It would be much better if there was a link in the sub-group to request membership and then the administrator gets an email with a link to approve the membership. Exactly the same as with joining the overall Group-site.

In addition, it would be really nice if there was an option to  allow Pending sub-group members to have read-only access to the sub-group, i.e. can see what's in there but can't post until their membership is approved. That way the user gets a better service from the site.


3 Replies

Hi Stephen,

There is an easier way.  Don't forget about Subgroup Auto Assign.  The Subgroup Admin no longer has to send an invitation to someone who wants to join a Subgroup.  He/she can auto assign current or pending Groupsite members directly into Subgroups.  Here is how it works:

If you want to place 1 existing Groupsite member into a subgroup, go to the <Manager Tab; <Manage Members; find the individual you want to place in a subgroup (you can use the search filters to locate the person); Click on the box to the left of his/her name; then click on the Edit button to the far right on that same row; this will bring up a page that has a list of subgroups that you can place the person in by changing the status from non-member to member or admin. Make sure that to click on the update button to save the changes.

If you want to place multiple existing Groupsite members into subgroups,  go to the <Manager Tab; <Manage Members; use the filter to select a specific group of Groupsite members to place in a subgroup (make sure that you submit the filter); Click on the Edit button located just under the Filter Button; this will bring up a page that has a list of subgroups that you can place the individuals that you selected in by changing the status from non-member to member or admin. Make sure that you click on the update button to save the changes.

This sounds like a lot but it is pretty simple.

We will note your feedback about allowing pending subgroup members read only access to the subgroup.  

If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


ok - That's an improvement. But it would only be for site managers. Subgroup Admins don't get Manager tab.

Yes, that is correct.  Auto assign is only for Groupsite managers.


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