Issue with deleting files



One of our members is having an issue deleting files from a subgroup file cabinet directory. She has been able to upload the file, but not subsequently delete it. Nor can she delete folders in a subgroup directory that she has created. We have tried upgrading her to subgroup administrator, but this has not helped.

On another note, I must express my concern at the very slow response to requests for help to Our member has been trying over a number of weeks to get help with this, and responses have been slow and unhelpful to date. We expect more from GroupSite, particularly for a fully paid premium service membership.

See screenshot for example:


11 Replies

Hi Nick,

I am sorry that you have been experiencing a slow response rate from!

 Regarding the issue described above with deleting files from a Subgroup file cabinet, we are aware of this problem. Subgroup admins today cannot delete file folders in the Subgroup file cabinet unless they are also a Groupsite manager. The ticket associated with this issue is 2462.  This is part of Master ticket# 1501, "Give Subgroup Admins Manager-level Permissions in Subgroups". Until these usability issues are resolved, here is what you can do:

As the manager of the Groupsite and an administrator of that Subgroup, you will be able to delete the file in the Subgroup for Helen.  My apologies for the inconvenience.


Hi Celeste,

Thanks for the response.

I am surprised to hear that the fix for this issue is being described as an enhancement rather than a bug. I'd suggest the current behaviour is faulty. When do you expect the fix to be delivered?

As far as response from goes: I have noticed a tendency that issues reported by email are attended to slowly, but as soon as they are posted here on the Champions site, they get dealt with very quickly. I would like to think that faults posted by email were considered equally important as those aired in public.


Hi Nick,

We appreciate your feedback! To address your comments about Subgroups: Subgroups have taken on a life of their own mostly directed by its users like you. The original design for Subgroups gave the overall control of Subgroups to Groupsite managers who back in the early days of Subgroups would also have been the Subgroup admins.
Well, as time has marched on in the evolution of Subgroups, we recognized that improvements would be required to keep pace with user needs.

These enhancements cannot all be added at once. We are currently beta testing assigning members to Subgroups vs inviting them. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide you with a date when ticket 2462 will be resolved, but we will contact you when it is resolved.

Regarding response time to reports posted in Champions vs directly to

Our corporate culture is to have a very open environment with customers; that’s one of the reasons we created Champions. But I do want to clarify with you that reports are in fact responded to more quickly when they are sent directly to There are more eyes in Support and the first priority is to trouble shoot reports in Support while checking Champions to see if the issue reported is widespread or related to a known issue.

Future enhancements for involve streamlining our trouble reporting process to retrieve the required info for troubleshooting when you make the original report and sending the appropiate reports to

Nick, I do also echo Celeste's comments and thank you. We always care to hear from our customers, with compliments or complaints! I hope to respond in a way that's useful, not defensive, as well as have noted a few things so we can continue to improve.

To build on Celeste's initial comments, reporting in Champions does help share information, provides transparency and helps us identify trends in issues and needs. Reporting in Champions does not change the rate at which we address an issue (bug, usability issue, enhancement or otherwise).  We're a small company with big ambitions, running a business. Whether or not an issue/enhancement affects paying customers, how many customers it affects and how often, related tickets, the scope and difficulty of the request and many other considerations impact what we are able to deliver and when.

Also, sometimes solving a problem takes time and troubleshooting. There are times we've been working on an issue and getting new data and then it's reported in Champions. The result may appear that the issue then gets resolved faster; the reality is that it took time to troubleshoot and we have information or even resolution to publish - simply due to timing.

I hope this helps and thanks again for your feedback.

Diana, Celeste,

Thankyou both for your feedback. I understand the challenges involved with managing a service as broad as GroupSites with a small company. We are generally very happy with GroupSite and the capabilities it provides our group, which we are now quite dependent upon.

Nevertheless, there have been some concerns raised wihtin our group to me about support, so it is important that this message is passed on.

I look forward to further enhancements.


Thank you Nick, and please keep the feedback coming!  Manager/User feedback is one of our barometers that help keep us focused.

Does this bug still exist or has it been fixed?

Do sub-group admins now have manager level privileges within their subgroup?

If not, do the same limitations still exist or has the situation improved at all?

thanks for any insight,



Hi, Joe -

There have been a number of improvements to subgroups for members, Managers and Subgroup Administrators: mainly an improved interface, the ability for Managers to directly assign members into subgroups and promote members to be Subgroup Administrators (available in many plans and largely eliminating the need for Managers or Subgroup Admins to invite people into them), and allowing for both subgroup members and Admins to blog in a subgroup.  Also, a Subgroup Admin (now called "Subgroup Manager" in the improved interface) can delete files they they themselves upload in subgroups they administer. They can also, if needed, delete a subgroup blog post in a subgroup they administer made by a general subgroup member.

However, we do have further improvements we would like to see, either addressed through system changes or specifically as improvements for Subgroup Managers: Subgroup Managers cannot delete a file folder they create in a subgroup they administer. Only a Groupsite Manager can do this today, and we would like to see that improved. We would also like to see a Subgroup Manager have permission to edit a Subgroup Discussions (for subgroups they administer) and, possibly, if not addressed through more elegant means, to allow Subgroup Administrators the ability to invite Groupsite members into subgroups.

Thanks for visiting us here in Champions and I hope this helps.




We are nearing our storage capacity and tried to delete some old files from a folder.  The folder contains 9 documents (large PDF files) and at the top of the folder above the document names is a box with the option to "select all", which I checked.  I then clicked on the red delete button to the right and got a message that no documents were selected.


Any ideas?  Thank you.

I should add that there are no check boxes next to each document, just the main check box at top that says "select all."



Hi Deirdre,

Please write to us at  We will need you to identify the following:

1.  The name of your Groupsite

2.  The name of the Files that you are attempting to delete and where these files are located. We will need to know the name of the folder and if the files are located in the main Groupsite or in a subgroup.  If the folders are in a subgroup, please identify which one.

I am including two links to our FAQs that will provide directions on how to delete a folder and how to delete a file.  Please review this information, it may show you a step or two that you are missing:

We will look out for your report in Support.


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support



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