Need to be able to subscribe to meeting comments


Hi, I don't see any way to subscribe to comments on a meeting?  Am I missing something?  I need this, because I just discovered that someone posted a question on a meeting location, and I didn't see it for several days.

6 Replies

Chris - We do not have a way to do this today but I believe we should.  The creator of the event should be auto-subscribed so that they are notified of any comments that are made.  Same thing should happen regarding comments made to the Group Blog. I have submitted an enhancement request (2168).

Thanks for pointing it out.


Thanks for the quick response, but ...

... I didn't get an email for your response above.  Yes I checked my spam filter. 

This is very distressing -- if even the "subscriptions" that you do allow don't work reliably, then I will worry a lot about whether people are getting all the messages they should.

Hi, Chris - We do take your concern about notifications seriously. That said, email is still the glue that holds Groupsite communications together, and there are about a thousand moving parts with email delivery.

Here's what I'm able to confirm concerning Shaun's reply post:

- We currently have (6) subscribers to this topic, including you, me and Shaun.

- We did send (6) emails of the reply, one to each of the topic subscribers.

- Shaun and I both received the reply post.

- We did check your email address ( in our mail logs, specifically -- we can confirm that we delivered the message to Gmail on Jan 20, 2010 at 10:04:40 AM. The email was relayed and delivered.

- We can only confirm that the email was delivered (as opposed to bounced or blocked, for example) -- i.e., Gmail said "we got it, and all is well." What Gmail did with the message, we don't know.

We may not be able to understand what happened to a single missing email. But if you could keep an eye and see if there are any trends, it may help or identify any issues - whether it's a problem with a subscription (on our end) or something on an email service provider's end.

Hope this helps.

Wow, thank you very much for your due diligence.  After seeing your message above, I went back to my GMail, and searched again, and lo-and-behold there was Shaun's message.  I guess I must have made some kind of error when searching for it before.  I apologize for giving you the extra work, but hopefully now we both are reassured about that aspect of the site.

Thanks again.

No worries - thanks for confirming you'd received the mail. We like happy endings :)

It's not an ending!  My initial request is still very much alive.  I noticed that it's a duplicate of this request here:

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