Folder Permission Quirk


As a rule, I upload all graphics related to my sites to a manager folder - this includes banners, stuff for modules, etc.  Recently, somebody pointed out the following:


This is an issue.  I don't want anybody to have access to these files for editing purposes, but it is really important that the images be visible where they are linked.  The workaround is to lower the permission to member visibility, but this defeats the entire purpose.

5 Replies

Claire - Here's the scoop. The only person that can "edit" a file is the person who uploaded that file. Even then, they are not really "editing" the existing file.  What happens is they need to download the existing file, edit it then upload the edited version as a new file. They can then delete the original. The only person that can delete a file is te one who originally uploaded it or a Groupsite manager.

With graphics, uploading them to a file folder with public visibility simply allows the images to appear on your SUMMARY page and in email blasts where non-members (or members who are not currently loggede-in) can still see them. They do not have the ability to "edit" or delete them.

Hope that helps,


Hi Shaun,

Thanks for this tidbit - it's definitely helpful info, but I think I may have misrepresented the point a little.  I upload my artwork to a folder on the site that is "Only visible to group managers".  I don't want members to be able to see it in the file cabinet - it is confusing to the average user and they don't need anything there anyway.  For all intents, a savvy user knows they can right click and download virtually any file on the internet, so that's not as much of an issue.

This is all well and good, or at least I thought it was until somebody pointed out the issue referenced above (Attachment.Collective_X_Screen.jpg

Additionally, (though this screenshot is from a discussion) I used a JPEG from said folder on my SUMMARY page and got the same error (this is how it was originally pointed out to me).  I had to change the permission and the issue was resolved, but I really don't want my users to have to wade through any unecessaries. 

On a side note, (and from a brand management standpoint) this also means that I cannot store source artwork (EPS, AI, PSD, etc), which I don't currently do, but actually was thinking of doing before I discovered this. 



Claire - As promised by phone just now, I have submitted the request to have a folder that is visible to only managers yet can has the properties set that will allow its contents to be viewed by all under support ticket #1405.


Hi, I've been trying to set the some folders' visibilty to "group managers only", but it wont go through. Please let me know what's wrong, need this setting ASAP. Thanks!

Hi Maricor,

This type of specific request is best handled by writing into  We are moving your request to Support and will communicate with you directly.


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support

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