Why won't my webpoll widgets work?


I'm having mixed success getting widgets generated from PollDaddy.com to function.

Shawn's blog was helpful. I was able to successfully create one poll using the widget insertion tool. When I attempted to create a second, I generate an error message that states Poll Missing, please refresh your browser.  Now I see that both do this. Refreshing doesn't work.  My one success came from inserting the code generated by polldaddy's flash code option instead of the Java code option.  When attempting to use the Java code, the collectivex system does not recognize the widget.

I have been completely unsuccessful using the free form text method.

For you collectivex techies, I have tested these on two different private collectivex groupsites:  First one that once worked and Second one that doesn't  Now I find that neither one is working and both request a refresh.

Any suggestions?


16 Replies

Today, I find that my situation reversed. The poll that was not working yesterday is working today and vice versa.

Having found other defective PollDaddy polls on other sites, I now believe the issue is with PollDaddy, not with CollectiveX's system for accepting widgets.

Now I am wondering about other sources for Poll Widgets since polldaddy's reliability is questionable.  I have now joined vizu.com and easily created a working poll using the free form text option.  Could not get the widget option to recognize with widget.

Hey I don't know much.. but I do have a suggection.. Have you tried to run the widget at W3C validations?.. maybe it could point out an error.. If you know what to look for.

I believe that at the time I was attempting to set up our first poll, PollDaddy.com was having some "issues" that prevented their polls from displaying. This lasted for several days. Their issues seem to be resolved as my previous setup will now display. As I searched for alternatives, I found two others poll sites that generate widget code that works on collectivex.

thanks, Tom. I didn't realize there was a problem with polldaddy.com (it appears the polls generated are not scalable, so collectivex won't allow the insertion of the widget code that's generated.  I'll check out vizu.com.

Vizu doesn't appear to be scalable either.  What I am finding is that my previous "two answer" poll was small enough to fit in the narrow widget space, but my new "four answer poll" is not small enough, so it is showing a portion of my poll widget, so is not a workable poll.  HELP!!


I am guessing you have really long questions.  Can you provide a link to the survey?

As I recall, you can specify the size of the widget in Vizu. You might go back and check for that option.


Tom, here is the link:

http://www.vizu.com/poll-vote.html?n=171405.  If you want the html for the widget itself, please advise and I will forward.

I specified the widget as small as possible.  It didn't all fit.

I gave up with vizu.com and went to glowday.com and the solution worked.

If Glowday works, you should probably pat yourself on the back and move on. But for others who follow...

While your link does not reveal the widget itself (just the poll) it seems like you did everything correct.  On the Vizu interface, in the Export Poll function, step 2 allows you to size your poll. Sounds like you did that. Perhaps not. 

In the past, I was able to select one of the middle size options and the my polls did fit into the right column of the Groupsite window.  They are either removed or on private groupsites so I'm unable to share.

I wonder if your scalability issues were a result of how you set them up in Groupsite.  In the future you might try to use the free form text module and then in the Advanced Editor Window/Tab, select the add widget icon and paste the code. This is instead of using the Embed Widget option.  I seem to remember struggling with that.

I have not tried this in over 3 months and don't remember exactly what I did. But a Vizu poll did scale to fit into a groupsite module when I did it. And we had longer questions and answers than the ones you have.

Many widgets can be automatically re-sized when using our Embed Video/Widget type of module. However, when adding a custom element (using a Freeform Text type of module, for instance), it may help to know these specifications:

Wide Modules - 625 pixels (wide)
Narrow Modules - 310 pixels (wide)

Height is unlimited, but if you want the height of your custom element to match the height of other standard Groupsite modules on the same page (such as Calendar, Members, etc.), size your custom element to be 225, 455, or 810 pixels high. 225 is the shortest and most commonly used height.

Basic information about Content Modules, or changes after this post date, would be posted here, http://champions.groupsite.com/post/modules-made-easy

thanks for the freeform text suggestion.  I'll keep it in mind in the future.

I was able to add a PollDaddy poll to my site recently.  However, the JavaScript version gave me an error, but the Flash version went through without any issues using the "Embed Widget" function.

I was able to setup a PollDaddy using their "Flash" code option. It looks good and appeared nicely on the Module or Forum page, but when you click any of the answers (to Vote), it doesn't count the vote. The only way to get it to work, regardless of all the settings issues, is to provide a link which takes our members to the off-site hosted page on PollDaddy, like this:

This isn't so bad, but not as visual as having the Poll widget right there on the same forum page.

They also provide a "tiny" URL option like this:

So here's the embed code, which appears like this:

Looks great, but the vote count interface doesn't seem to work.
Again, this is the "Flash" (script code) version and not the Javascript which evidently Groupsite doesn't support, so you'd think this would work, right?

If anyone has any work-arounds or solutions, please post and let everyone (including me) know. Then again, maybe it "is" working, but I have no way to test it because each person can only vote once, so I would need the tech support team to try it and see if it's working now. Laughing

One of our clients recently shared that Survey Monkey does now have a nice widget and you can add your survey directly into your Groupsite using our Embed Video/Widget content module. (Read how to embed a Video or Widget.)

I just used this myself and was given the option to "add the survey to my website" when creating my survey through Survey Monkey. The code was easy to generate and easy to add to my Groupsite, and the widget tracked my test response just fine. I had a good experience using this.

When generating the code in Survey Monkey, you'll need to specify the dimensions at which you want it to appear in your Groupsite. These are the specifications of Groupsite.com content modules:

Wide Modules - 625 pixels (wide)
Narrow Modules - 310 pixels (wide)

And because the Survey Monkey widget includes script tags, you will need to specify a module height. (The content module will prompt you and detail and screen shots are also in the "how to" link above.)

When you create the embed code in Survey Monkey, you get to set the width and height of the widget. You'll want to set the dimensions of your Embed Video/Widget content module to be same width and height at which you created the embed code. In my testing, I sized my survey at 455 pixels high because it was large enough to accommodate my survey and matched one of the standard heights of other packaged Groupsite.com content modules (calendar, featured discussion, etc.). Those heights are 225, 455 or 810 pixels high, with 225 being the shortest and most commonly used height.

Thanks Diana.  After again tinkering with Polldaddy and vizu, Survey Monkey is the best option I found.

Thanks for your feedback Tom!


Celeste Sharper Wooten


Director, Client Services/Support

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