Subgroups Suggestions


Have feedback regarding how subgroups can be more effective? Let us know here.

50 Replies

In order to check out the "sub groups" and observe how it works, I had to enable it.  I was not impressed.  To use it you MUST enter an external link. Our group has no use for groups within groups. Problem is there is no way to disable it, to date.  I am stuck with a menu item that is non functional, and is visible to my group members.  I like to be in "CONTROL" of being able to disable as well as inable features.  I simply don't understand being able to "enable" something, and unable to "disable" it.  It makes no sense whatoever!  I am not happy over this mess.  Who ever dreamed up this lovely little feature, was not thinking, especially when they failed to give an option to "disable" it also.  Sorry to give a thumbs down or sour grapes review, but give those of us who don't care to use it an "out",pleeeease!!

Dr. Trocar,

If you have enabled subgroups and want to subsequently disable them, we will add this feature shortly.  In the meantime, I will manually disable subgroups for your group.

Also:   the external website field is not mandatory, it is completely optional.


If subgroups are disabled, the tab will still show up for managers only in case you want to enable them again.

Thank you, Joe!  So much better, now I can sleep tonight.  Fast service too.  Back to loving my group!

I'd be interested in a future enhancement that if someone uploaded a file to the subgroup file cabinet but that same file was already in the main Groupsite file cabinet they would be prompted with a message that say that file is already available in the main group file cabinet. I worry about us running out of server space when members upload duplicate copies of files in every file cabinet we have.

Hi Joe, Please can you disable my subgroups asap as I am in the same position as this guy - i was just checking it out and don't need subgroups at this moment and want to disable it so i can use the space for something else on the tool bar.  Thanks for your help... Steve

This was accidentally enabled again.  Why can't the manager disable and enable this feature when they wish.  I may want the calendar one day, photos one day, something else next week.  Besides when I tried sub groups, it said the web address was invalid.  I know it is not.  This feature is a pig in the poke.  Can someone please disable for me again, please????

@Dr. Trocar - You are absolutely right... there is no clear way to disable sub-groups once enabled. We'll address this as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience.

Thanks Clarence.  Thing is Joe was able to do it before, (see post from him, this thread Nov 25) somehow this was enabled again! 

I don't undertand making a feature that can be enabled by a manager, yet having no way to disable it.  Pardon me but; like building a room with out a door.  No way out.

We now have the ability to disable subgroups should they be activated accidently. Somehow this was over looked when we added sub-groups functionality. I guess we assumed that since its such a great feature, once turned on, no one would ever want to turn sub-groups off ;-)

I would like to see multiple discussion groups per subgroup. For the project subgroup I'm creating I want an OPEN issues and CLOSED issues Forum. The top level uses multiple Forums.

Blake - I read your post but I am not sure I completely understand. Are you trying to make Discussion Forums inside a subgroup and have some of them be public and some private?

If that is what you are asking we do not allow for that. We established the subgroup feature as a way to accomplish this issue at a Groupsite level (allowing you to make subgroups private or public) but do not allow you to essentially make subgroups within subgroups.

I hope that helps. If you are asking something else please let me know.



Shaun --

What I'm trying to do is this.

Let's say I have Team X Groupsite

Within the Team X Groupsite, I have two Projects (subgroups), Project A and Project B

The project A subgroup gives me the ability to have a discussion group that is available for the Members of Project A and not Project B.

What I need is TWO Forums in Project A that are Private to Project A. That way when an issue is closed, I can move the thread from the "Open" to "Closed" Forum within the Project A subgroup.


Blake - Got it. The way we have built the system today, each subgroup has a single "forum" in it for discussions.  All you can do is create multiple Topics within that forum.  You cannot create multiple forums in the subgroup. I will revisit this decsion with the rest of the executive team and weigh the added functuionality against the added complexity (sometyhing we must always take into account as we keep Groupsites both effective and easy to use by all).

That being said, as a subgroup administrator, you are able to "lock" discussion topics within a subgroup so that no further posts can be made if that helps.

The way you do this is by selecting tyhe "edit topic" link (just below the first post).

You will then see a "Lock Topic" and "Delete Topic" box toward the top right of the the page body.

Simply select "Lock Topic" , and choose "OK" from the pop-up window and no further posts can be made to that topic thread.

Additionally, you may want to edit the title of the locked topic and put "Closed:" before the title so you can then sort all posts by title and all of the "closed:" topics will be grouped.

Does that help?


yes, that a workaround for now... unfortunately for me it really is an important feature... i had consolidated several different small groupsites into one for ease of mantenance and didn't notice this until it was too late... thanks for your quick reply however.

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