Subgroup Questions?


Have a question about how to use subgroups?  Ask us here.

121 Replies

Hi Gill,

We think this is a great idea,  but we do not currently have this capability.  We will eventually add some sort of identifier, but it is at the bottom of the current priority list (sorry).  For now, I will make sure that I identify myself when I respond.


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support

Hi Gill,

The way Subgroups is currently designed, you are able to only create one discussion forum.  You can create as many topics as you like under the one discussion forum.  Although we are in the process of making many changes to subgroups, this is not one of the proposed design changes.  The reason for this is drawing a line between making subgroups more user friendly, intuitive, with content type module capability just like the main group, and knowing when it is just time to create another Groupsite.  We struggle with this from a usability standpoint.  

The ability to quote from previous posts or some type of similar functionality is on the list of future enhancements.



Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support

Celeste thank you for your prompt replies it is most appreciated Smile  However I am very disappointed to learn that you do not plan to introduce 'nested' discussions in the sub-groups as that is a pretty fundamental requirement for me.  I would not want to set up separate GroupSites for each paid workshop as I would like to promote the workshops in the main site, and also would want users who had signed up on the workshop to still participate in the main group while they are taking part in the workshop - without having to switch from site to site (I would like it to be seamless).

I am pretty new to the GroupSite software and still finding my way around.  I have just discovered these forums and am finding them very useful.  However, it is VERY timeconsuming trying to find out if the question I have has already been asked.  As I said before I had to look through the content of 6 pages of posts here to see if my question had already been posted.  There are many questions and answers relating to sub-groups here and they are all mixed up. 

If there were 'nested' discussions within the sub-group, then each question could be posted as a separate topic, and the discussion and answers pertaining to that one question would all be kept together in one place.  It would also be much easier to look through a list of topic headings to see if a particular question had been asked before.  Can you not see there would be a major benefit to this?

Thanks Gill


Just found a fairly minor, but rather annoying glitch.  In trying to place my previous post, I managed to type out the whole thing without realising that I was not logged in.  I hit the preview button and lost the whole thing Cry


Hi Gill,

Yipes about not being logged in! Yes, I absolutely see the major benefit.  Your feedback has been noted. I like to try to provide folks with an insight to what we are thinking and what has been discussed/decided in our development meetings, so that you are not waiting for something that may not happen.  We will keep you posted as we further develop the redesign for subgroups.


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support

@ Sally 

with the ProPlan you have a subgroup autoassing feature. So you can just move members to subgroups.

Hey everybody,

I don't have much experience with Groupsite and that might be a trivial question. But I would like to setup a Subgroup to my existing Groupsite.

Found heaps of clips and tutorials here. The think is, that I don't have the "Subgroup" tab at all. The only tabs I have is: Home, Communicate, Share, Network, Teams and More

We are using the small ProPlan ($29/month) here and I do have an Manager account. Any suggestions?



Hi Dietmar,

Without seeing a screen shot of where you are, I think you may be in your "View All" Mode.  In this roll up view, you are not able to make changes.  

To ensure that you are properly logged into your group, go to the "Switch Groupsite" button at the top right of your page (next to your name). Click on the down arrow of that button and then click on the group you want to access under My Groupsites. Then you will be in your Group and can make changes and add to your subgroups. 

Please let us know if you need additional assistance.

Cindy Scilipoti ( Support representative) 

(Celeste is responding for Cindy)


Can anyone help me either delete the recent activity list in a subgroup or clear the history of recent activity.   We deleted a sensitive discussion thread, but the first line of everyone's responses still shows up in the recent activity - very problematic.

Thank you - Gary

Hi Gary,

We're happy to assist you, but we require some additional information.  A message was sent to you directly from Support.  The message was sent on October 04, 2012 16:27
and the ticket # is 17259.


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support

I have searched the site and have not found an answer to the following question:


How can you restrict members of the main group from having access to subgroup files etc...?

When new files or posts are created in a subgroup, recent activity notices appear in the main group and the data accessible to all in the main group by clicking on the link.  

The subgroup is set as private.


Thank you in advance!

Hi Lee,

Any files uploaded to a subgroup's file cabinet, are only accessible by other subgroup members.

you look at the main Groupsite file cabinet, you will see all uploaded group
files as well as those subgroup files for the subgroups to which you
belong.  The subgroup files will appear in their own separate folder for
each subgroup. If you do not belong to the subgroup, you will not be able to access the files.  The subgroups's Visibility will determine if you are able to see that the subgroup file(s) exists and membership to the subgroup will control your ability to download the file(s). 

If you need additional assistance, please write us at  .


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support


Hi Lee,

I forgot to answer your recent activity question as it relates to subgroups:

If you are a member of a private subgroup, you will see Recent Activity from that subgroup. General Groupsite members, who are not also members of the private subgroup, don't see that information when they log-in.

An action, calendar event, file upload or discussion post that takes place at the subgroup level does filter up to the main group view for members of that subgroup. This allows subgroup members to get an integrated view of their activity, discussions, etc. for the entire Groupsite. Because what each member sees is tied specifically to their subgroup memberships and login, information in private subgroups does stay private (even if you're seeing it on your Summary page).

If you need additional assistance, please write us at  .


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support



Thanks for the questions and the answers. I am having an issue, however with a feature that that Clarence Wooten said I could do. BTW, the explanation was clear and I'm sure it's true, but I can't figure it out. I have a Sub-group and would like to add everyone from the Group to it. He noted you could add members from the invite members section within that sub-group. True - I can if I type in their email addresses (the link goes to the "invite members" page). However, I don't get a list of current groupsite members that I can select and added. The only way I can see to do it is to manually add email addresses (or upload a CSV). Am I missing something? Do I not have that capability. I have the Collaborative Groupsite.



Go to "manage members" section

far right says "edit"

Can hand select each person into subgroups directly

Displaying items 106-120 of 121 in total
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