Subgroup Questions?
Have a question about how to use subgroups? Ask us here.
121 Replies
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Topic | Replies | Likes | Views | Participants | Last Reply |
Deleting a Sub Group on the new platform | 1 | 0 | 102 | ||
How Can I Delete Subgroups? | 1 | 0 | 1717 | ||
Send an email to invite members to a sub-group | 1 | 0 | 1688 |
Can I add a Shared Links module to a subgroup?
Bill - Not today. We look forward to adding module capability to subgroups sometime in the future but in the meantime, you could use the single freetext module that is available on the front page of every subgroup and simply type the names of the links you wish to share and hyperlink them.
Here is a post on using hyperlinks.
Hope that helps,
Great tools, keep up the good work.
I run a non-profit para-church organization that helps unemployed Michiganders get back to work faster by encouraging churches to run Career Ministry Groups. Each church gets a subgroup (we call it a channel), each leadership team gets a channel, and there's a shared "all Leaders" channel for sharing leadership tips... .
Once I invite a new group leader into any one of these three channels, I can't invite them into the other 2 channels until the log in... could be hours or days.
Without waiting for the "assign to subgroups" feature, would it be tough to allow me to invite non-groupsite members to more than one subgroup by using only their email address? (currently it just says it's not sending a repetetive invite).
Any idea WHEN the supbgroup assignment capability will be available ??? THis is critical to our national rollout strategy ....
Clarence Wooten posted the following about a year ago (see my question at the bottom of this post).
"Subgroups can be public, limited or private.
Public (subgroups) = ...
Limited (subgroups) = are always by invitation only and are also visible within the subgroup directory within the groupsite (note: non-members of a limited subgroup are able to see the subgroup's homepage and can email the subgroup's admins to request access)
Private (subgroups) = ..."
Q: For Limited (subgroups), is there a way for non-members not be able to see the subgroup's homepage? I only want my groupsite members to be able to see the subgroups and not the entire world. My groupsite visiblity is setup to be Limited.
Paul - If your Groupsite visibility is set to "limited" that means non-members can only see the Summary page of the Groupsite - nothing inside, including subgroups regardless of the subgroup's visibility settings.
Hope that helps,
A question about how the notifications are sent for subgroup discussion posts...If members have their preference for calendar, discussion and email blasts notifications set to 'all group members,' do they only receive posts to the main page and those from subgroups of which they are a member? Or do they receive all posts regardless of subgroup membership?
Betsy - You only receive notifications from subgroups that you are a member of.
Hope that helps,
A while ago there was a question about allowing members to send email blasts and start discussions within subgroups, and I believe the response was that it mirrored the settings of the main group but that you were considering addressing this question in a future upgrade. Is this still the case? If so, do you have an approximate time frame for when this might be addressed?
Amadie - We haven't yet investigated adding independent subgroup controls.
A "workaround" that may help for email:
A subgroup does allow members to "subscribe" to its Discussion forum. It may be possible to have all subgroup members subscribe to the forum; then, when someone makes a discussion post, it will automatically go to all members of the subgroup.
It may even work better trying this with a specific topic - instead of the entire forum - although folks may forget where to post, when.
You could hyperlink to the forum/topic and provide instruction on how it should be used on the home page of your Subgroup.
I realize this won't work for all types of groups. But it may work for your particular situation.
It's also worth saying that we envision a future not only with more flexibility in subgroup controls, but also greater ability for managers to auto-assign members to subgroups and/or forums. While we're not yet able to provide estimated release dates, I can say that we're working toward these goals.
If I remove a member from a subgroup will they still be a member of the other subgroups and the groupsite?
Yes. Removing someone from a subgroup leaves them in the Groupsite as well as all other subgroups.
I have a question about subgroup discussions. When a topic is created, the date, time and the person that created it is documented under the discussion title. Is there any way to update or delete the date?
Lisa C asked the following question a while back...
It appears that within our subgroup, we cannot have separate forums like we can on our groupsite. Am I missing something? I'd love to be able to set up forum topics like I do for our main group, and then let people add discussions to those topics.
I cannot find an answer to it, but I too would like this facility. An example of why this is needed is that I had to wade through 6 pages of comments to see if this question had already been asked/answered. Whereas if we could create different forums within the subgroup people could then state their question as a new topic, which makes it much easier to search.
I plan to use sub-groups for workshops that people will pay to access. Each workshop will have several lessons, and I would like to be able to have a separate forum for each lesson.
Oh, and I would also like the ability to 'quote' from previous forum posts... :)
Sorry, me again! I have just noticed something from looking through this forum. It is not easy to identify the people who represent GroupSite when they answer - i.e. from their Name, Picture etc. In my site I would like it to be obvious when a post has been made or replied to by a moderator - is this possible?