Subgroup Questions?


Have a question about how to use subgroups?  Ask us here.

121 Replies

I recently removed 3 members from my subgroup under the admin tab for that subgroup.  However, they still show up in the subgroups member profile.  They also are still receiving email blasts, and other notifications from that subgroup.  Any help is appreciated.

Kip - Can you please send an email to support [at] with the name of the Groupsite, the subgroup name and the three members that you moved so we can research what is happening?



Is there any plans to allow subgroups to be branded?  Some of my subgroups will be organizations that want branding for the subgroup that is different than the branding for the groupsite.  Thanks. 

Brian - You are the first to ask about "branding" subgroups.  You can already choose the name, upload a image for the subgroup homepage and edit the content of the welcome paragraph.  What else do you want?


I was thinking about the appearance and branding stuff like header banner, background colors, etc.  I may be putting together a groupsite for a group of 10 senior service companies who are joining forces.  All of them are in the senior service business, but each do different things.  They want the ability to collaborate throught the groupsite, but have 10 subgroups that represent each company too.  That's where the subgroup branding comes in.

Brian - We spent a lot of time trying to design subgroup navigation in a way that lets you know you are always part of the Groupsite first. Therefore, keeping the header consistent as the Groupsite header is a key grounding point so members don't get lost.

What you may need to do is create a bunch of individual Groupsites (each can pay for their own branding) and then create a communal Groupsite that uses a freeform text module on it's SUMMARY page as a launching point where you can hyperlink icons to each Groupsite.

Remember, our platform is designed to address what 90% of all groups need and we need to continue to do this in a way that is intuitive to every user.

There are many companies spending hundreds of thousands of dollars building out custom built "social networks" that are "white labeled" and they are plenty of companies that are more than happy to take their money for these custom builds. This is not, and will never be our business model.

None of these solutions can be ready to go in just 5 minutes (like Groupsites) and I would challenge that very few see the level of engagement we see in our most active Groupsites


Referring to Shaun's post on March 23, if the Groupsite is set to "Private", and you make a subgroup inside that Groupsite "Public", there is a small amount of confusion when a non-member finds a group site, because it says:

Membership: Anyone can Join

Only when they click on the Join button does it tell them that membership is by invitationonly.  In this case, could the wording be changed to say something like:

Membership: Any existing member can join this sub-group

Obviously not critical, but this change would remove confusion.

Finally, Shaun said "We look forward to streamlining this process in the future."

Is that near future, or is it on the back-burner?

Love your product!


Michael - I agree with your suggestion 100%. While you say it's "not critical", anything that helps remove confusion is critical.

As for my use of the word "future", I often say there are only 2 times in my world:

1. now and

2. in the future.

We got ourselves in a little trouble in the past by miss-managing expectations by setting delivery dates for new features that we did not hit.  Therefore, if we know we are not going to do something, I tell people that we won't.  If we plan on doing something, I confirm that it is a good idea and something we plan on doing but give no dates.  My style is to surprise you on a random Tuesday at 2:13 with a new feature rather than miss a Q3 promise.

We track every request and take the feedback from our users very seriously.  As Chief Involvement Officer, that is my job.

We are also a team of 7 working very hard everyday to continue to deliver the world's best platform for social collaboration (which in my humble opinion we have done) and it is little suggestions like yours that make the biggest difference so thanks for the feedback and please keep it coming.


How can I make a logo look good in a subgroup?  Here's an example of a logo I'm trying to use:


When I use this logo, because the logo box is 150x150 pixels, only the "H" and part of the heart shows up in the logo box.  Any suggestions?

I have a quick question about subgroup homepages - is there a plan to be able to add widgets to the right hand sidebar area?

Devon - We do plan to add modules functionality to subgroups and we're still working out the details.

It appears that within our subgroup, we cannot have separate forums like we can on our groupsite. Am I missing something? I'd love to be able to set up forum topics like I do for our main group, and then let people add discussions to those topics.

How do I enter the web address of the subgroup.  It keeps telling me I did it wrong.

Jeanne - When creating a new Subgroup, we already provide most of the web address (

All you need to do is type the suffix you want in the box at the end, usually the name of the subgroup (i.e. - executiveboard)  

Hope that helps.


Hi all.

I had a question about subgroup file cabinet visibility.  With the file folder that is created, is there a way to make a subgroup's files visible only to subgroup members?


Displaying items 46-60 of 121 in total
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