When to Use Group Blog (vs. Start a Discussion)

Here are general guidelines for using the Group Blog tool vs. the Discussions feature of your Groupsite.  Start by asking, "What am I trying to achieve?" Then try to use the best tool to fit the need.

A blog is (primarily) a publishing tool. It gives your group a powerful "voice" inside your Groupsite as well as to the rest of the world (if you choose to make it public)

Use your blog to:

  • teach or provide others with the means to learn

  • publish important information about your organization's mission or values

  • impart "expert" advice, facts or opinions

  • show off good work (that would be of value to your audience), or

A discussion forum is a conversation tool.

Start a discussion topic when you:

  • Have particularly sensitive or controversial topics to discuss

  • Primarily want to stimulate productive online conversation, two-or-more-way, or

  • Have a question - are seeking to learn more than to teach

Both tools are a means to document ideas or information that may otherwise be inaccessible or lost.


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