User Tip – Check Out Any Time You Like

The Eagles’ “Hotel California” contains the lyric, “You can check out any time you like – but you can never leave.”

Every once in a while, our support team receives a “Hotel California” email from someone asking to “please remove me from your listserve” or “how do I remove myself from this group, it is not what I expected it to be”.

Today’s post will give you exactly what you ever need to check out.

First, it’s important for you to understand that we are not a “listserv” (there is nothing listening for “unsubscribe” commands, etc.)

There are only 3 ways to become part of the platform:
1. Be invited to join a Groupsite

2. Find a “public” Groupsite which allows anyone to join

3. Create your own Groupsite

Let’s look at the first method., as a platform, does not auto-generate invitations to random lists of email addresses (SPAM). Someone within a Groupsite, typically the manager, needs to generate each invitation. We suggest that Groupsite managers only invite those people who they believe will benefit by being part of the group. That being said, just because someone thinks you might benefit by participating doesn’t mean that you feel the same way.

If you ever receive an invitation to join a Groupsite and you don’t believe it is in your best interest to accept, simply hit the “Decline” link in the email (see below).


Let’s say you accepted an invite, or found a public Groupsite (at that you thought might be for you but later decide that it’s not a good fit and you wish to leave the group.

Here’s what you do:

From within the Groupsite you wish to leave, select the MY SETTINGS tab. Then simply select the “Remove me from this Groupsite” link at the bottom left (see below). You will then see a pop-up window asking you if you are sure you want to leave. Simply hit “OK”. You are no longer part of that Groupsite.


The best way to make sure you are in a Groupsite that makes sense for you is to create your own!

Note to Groupsite creators: you can always leave a Groupsite, regardless of whether or not you were the creator. However, a Groupsite must always have at least one Manager. To leave a Groupsite you created, first promote another member to be the Groupsite manager. See how, here: Once there is a new manager in your Groupsite, you will see the option to quit the Groupsite.

We are a Group Engagement Network. We empower groups to make things happen. If you are part of an active group that you want to stay in touch with by sharing and communicating, we invite you to create your own Groupsite and invite only those people who share your desire to make the group work. Click here to learn how or click here to get started

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