Embedding Groupsite Modules into Another Website

While a Groupsite is a complete social collaboration solution, we realize many organizations have existing websites and their Groupsite is an additional tool which augments their existing website.

Many of the modules used within a Groupsite can be embedded into another website.

Here's how:

1. Click on the cogwheel icon on the title bar of the module you would like to embed.


2. Choose "Embed this Module" from the drop-down menu.


3. Click "Get Embed Code" fro the pop-up window.


4. Select "Copy Code" from the next window.


5. Paste this code into the html of your website where you want the module to appear.

This works for all module types except: "Embed Widget / Video" and "Freeform Text" modules.

You can see an example of two embedded Groupsite module on the the right side of our Support page at http://www.groupsite.com/support.

These modules have been embedded from our Champions users group.

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