Feature Spotlight - Discussions: Subscribing and Unsubscribing

Groupsite Discussions
are designed to play nice with email, if you want them to.

This means you can have all
Discussion posts

come to you
and appear in your inbox. Or, keep them out
of your inbox so you can

go to them
in the Groupsite whenever you
choose. The trick is understanding how “subscribing” to Discussions works in a

Here's how:

Click the MY SETTINGS tab. Then select the "My Preferences" sub-tab.

This will take you to the "My Preferences" page.


In the "Email Preferences" section, you will see the system defaults to "Subscribe me to that topic" when you reply to a Discussion Topic. 


This means that if you either create a new Discussion Topic or reply to one, all subsequent replies to that topic will be sent immediately as an email to your inbox.

Sometimes this is what you want.  Other times, you may want to just post your reply without the stream of subsequent emails.

If this is the case, you can either change your default setting above to "unsubscribe" or you can decide on a topic by topic basis.

Whether you have actually participated in a Discussion Topic or not, you can always "subscribe" to it which will send all replies straight to your inbox.

Here's how:

At the bottom of the initial post in any Discussion Topic you will see the "Subscribe" button.


Clicking that will ensure you get every reply as an email. Once selected, the button reads "Unsubscribe" which allows you to change you mind at any time.


You can even subscribe to an entire Discussion Forum (not just each individual topic.)  Here's how:


  • Click on the COMMUNICATE tab which will take you to the "Discussion Forums" page.

  • Click on the name of the particular Discussion Forum to which you want to subscribe.

  • At the top right of the "Discussion Topics" page for that forum you will see a "Subscribe" button.



  • Click the "Subscribe" button, and you will now receive an email for every post and every reply for every topic in that forum. 

Warning:  Be careful what you ask for. Your inbox can get overwhelmed very easily if it is not already.
Of course, you can always go back and hit the "Unsubscribe" button if you change your mind.



Here's a quick video that also shows you how:


How To "Twitterize" Your Groupsite from Shaun Callahan on Vimeo.




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