User Tip - The 2nd Place to Be

Groupsites are not the best place to communicate, share and network. We are the second best.

What's the best place? Any place where real people are together in person in the real world, actually "being present" with each other.

In today's world of "social" networks where "friend" is now a verb and most "friends" have never even met each other; where people have thousands of contacts but no one to invite to their picnic or card game; where multi-taskers "tweet" 140 character messages and text message remote contacts -- while sitting at a restaurant table with others who are busy checking email, RSS readers and voice mail; and, where battery management seems to be the key to success...

We want to go on record as saying: Real people matter. Trust matters. Relationships matter.

Groupsites are a tool to assist with communicating, sharing and networking. Groupsites don't make things happen - real people do. We think groups matter. We are proud of how we help.  We are also OK with being the 2nd place to be.

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