Green Groupsite Success Story


This week’s Groupsite Success story comes from Keith Losoya in Maryland. Here’s what Keith shared:

“The Green Building Network was initiated by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and is now administered and supported by the Green Building Institute.

We are an ad-hoc group of architects, builders, contractors, developers, planners, landscape architects, related professionals and interested individuals. The network focuses on promoting and facilitating design and development in a manner consistent with efficient and appropriate use of natural resources, environmental protection, and the promotion of sustainable communities.

Before Collectivex we hosted monthly networking meetings and sent out a monthly newsletter. Attendance at meetings was variable (10-40 people) and growth was anemic at best. While we had a large subscriber list for the newsletter there was not much excitement in our networking events.

When we went live with Collectivex we were cautiously optimistic about the success we would have given our demographics and set our expectations low.

Since inception we have experienced a 60% acceptance rate from our subscriber list and have over 800 members networking now! This group represents the brain trust of Maryland’s green building industry and it is exciting to see the discussions, referrals and general content thrive with the Collectivex platform.”

Thanks Keith. We love all of the green groups that are making things happen on CollectiveX. Keep up the good work!

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