Invitation dates change daily


We sent out invitations to our group to join our groupsite, and the date sent changes every day. We have only resent the invitation once, and it was already changing to match the current date before resending. At first I thought the invitation was automatically being resent, but I didn't get any complaints. Any ideas? Shouldn't Date Sent indicate the date of the last time an invitation was sent?

3 Replies

Liza - the date changes when a reminder is sent to that email address as well.

Reminders can be sent when you check the box that says "Send to Pending Members".  Reminders can also be sent as part of your recent activity notifications - set the notification schedule for pending members to "never" if you want to prevent this from happening.

Thanks for that explanation. :) Is there some place I can get information like this about CX, so I don't have to bug you guys? Embarassed Much of it, I am able to figure out just by trial and error, or else it's self-explanatory, but so far I've hit a couple things that throw me off.

Thanks in advance!

Liza - You are not bugging us at all.  That being said, we know that our online help and FAQ's are virtually non-existent.  This is partially due to the fact that we have been working real hard to make Groupsites "user-discoverable" and each time someone asks "How do I do this?" we say "Hmmm, what could we have done with our interface to make it more intuitive so they could have found the answer themselves?"

We are working on our online help and you should see some improvements soon.

I still remain biased toward if you have to read the instructions, their is probably a more elegant, intuitive design that would make things easier and more productive.


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