Email blasts for Events and Exporting data for RSVP


Hi there,

We have started our group site called and in the last few weeks we have got around 440 members who have signed on.

We would like to use the calendar function extensively to promote the events that we do. We have started putting up our events on the site and have noticed that users are making the RSVP requests on the site. Would it be possible to download the RSVP list in excel format. Also is there a possibility to send out an email blast based on a certain criterion to our members.





6 Replies

Avinash - Downloading RSVP list is an intereting request that we have not heard before but we will look into.

The ability to send out email blasts based on a certain criterion is coming with our next release.

My constituents would very much need the ability to have an export of the RSVP list (attending, not attending, not responded).  We'd use the data in Excel to add additional fields custom to the event to use at the event (which is necessary pretty much every event).  Hope it can be included in the next release.

Also, the ability to export individual events is more helpful than exporting the entire calendar.  Exporting the entire calendar seems to be more of a deterrent to getting the event on the persons Outlook, for example.

Hope that helps!


Mark -  I agree that both of you suggestions are needed features that most of our groups will use.  We are pretty locked down and close to getting this next release out so they might not make this immediate cut but they both need to be addressed.  Thanks for mentioning them.


RSVP data exports have just been added to the RSVP section of the event page (at the bottom of the RSVP list, when there is at least one RSVP response)

Thanks for suggesting this feature!

Thanks Joe!  It is a very helpful feature.  Can we get more information exported than just the name such as contact / email info?  Custom profile answers may come in handy too at times.

I realize groupsite managers can export contact lists to whoever needs them as a backup but it would  be nice to have it all in one RSVP file for each event.

I second the request. :)

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