Wiki Feature


Is there any timetable for a Wiki function? I need to develop one fast, but will hold off if it coming via CollectiveX.

John Semanik

ISM Silicon Valley 408 929 6276

5 Replies

I am looking for a wiki feature as well - can someone address this.. Shaun?

Reading discussions about Version 2, I don't think a Wiki is included.  However, I get the feeling Version 2 will have role based permissions.  Hopefully these permissions will allow my users to have a pseudo-wiki by enabling some users to have EDIT rights to content on the groupsite but no other admin rights (so we don't end up messing up the groupsite by novices to groupsite administration).  Role based permissions, particularly permission to edit content, will go a long way to helping members of a groupsite share the workload in keeping the content fresh. 

Currently, as a groupsite manager, I don't want to give manager rights to many people b/c there is the off chance someone could delete the site by mistake.  I would be more comfortable handing out limited rights... for things such as sharing the EDIT of content (the pseudo-wiki I referred to).

Hey guys - We do expect to see true Wiki functionality as part of the CollectiveX platform but it's not in this next release and unfortunately won't arrive on the immediate horizon.

With the ability to add "more pages" (coming with this next release", we expect to see many of our Groupsites linking out to 3rd party Wiki platforms and accessing them thru their Groupsite.

When we do add our Wiki functionality, expect it to be drop-dead simple. I love the following viedo has the model for all that is truly needed:



Hi everyone,

If you guys moved ahead using a third party wiki tool..can you please share your insights..we are also in the process of a getting a wiki for our community.

Thanks in advance.


I see that the last message in this important discussion topic a year old. Would it be possible to have an update on the contemplated wiki feature?

I read an article from Andrew McAfee "Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration" and his book.

His theory on the proper web 2.0 tools depending on the strength of the ties between users is interesting. (See below) It also illustrates the importance of wikis for group of people who need to collaborate through group editing / collaborative drafting, at least to some extent.

Is an integrated wiki feature still far down the road or just around the corner? (Any idea of a possible release date?)

I simply wanted to point out the strategic importance of this feature for the long-term attractiveness of your wonderful and impressive online service.

See: "How to Hit the Enterprise 2.0 Bullseye"

"How are [emergent social software platforms] different? [...] When is each the ‘right answer?' Answers to these questions arise from the realization that a knowledge worker will want to use a different E2.0 technology at each ring in the bullseye.

A wiki is the classic Enterprise 2.0 technology for a core of strongly tied knowledge workers who are collaborating on a deliverable. They can use it to generate documents, to debate their contents and structure, track project status, link to other resources, etc. Google Docs and Spreadsheets, Zoho, and other online office productivity suites are similar to wikis in that they allow egalitarian editing of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations by all group members; they're just not currently as extensible as a full wiki.

Evidence suggests that wikis let strongly-tied collaborators get their work done better, faster, and with more agility than was previous possible."

As further sign that a wiki component is relevant, I draw your attention to the inclusion criteria of Gartner for its report "Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace":


Q6: Does the product support all the following minimum functionality, "out of the box," without the need to purchase any other products from you or from other vendors - apart from products mentioned in answer to Q1?

Minimum functionality required from products:

  • User management: The ability to create, modify or retire user accounts.

  • User profiles: Information about each user can that be accessed by other users

  • Roles and access control: Support for multiple roles (for example, editor, facilitator, community manager, moderator) with associated access controls.

  • Configurable group, project, team or community areas: End users with the right permissions can create themed areas for a group, project, team or community.

  • Document sharing: The ability to upload, store, organize and share documents.

  • Discussion forums: Support for a persistent environment to post questions and answers or to have general discussions.

  • Blogs: End-user instant publishing functionality that displays entries in reverse chronological order and permits comments from others.

  • Wikis: Group authoring of collections of pages with support for "click to edit," change tracking and internal linking.

Also, did you know about the German platform "Just Software", which seems to have some design elements similar to those of Groupsite and which could be a source of inspiration for implementation of planned upcoming features within Groupsite (such as a wiki component for instance...)?

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