Just A Few Suggestions & Comments


It's been several years since I've been here, and after the errors, issues even lost nearly 30 pictures and one whole years worth of data thanks to face.. I've suffered with Face, Goo+, tweets, Virb, Tumbles.. etc I think I've finally reached my limit and came home.

So I've broken down and started my 5th group site.. while the others have always failed for one reason or another.. I feel more confidence because of the helpful staff here and the fact that I've been here for a very long time.. testing and retesting the format.

However, There are still some issues with the data/text entry system when posting. After competing a paragraph and pressing enter, the whole paragraph drops down and my cursor is at the top of the page.. Like I'm starting all over again.. if this is the case, I'd have to learn how to post backward (bottom to top) just to have the format correctly entered.

So I've ended up entering data via the "HTML Source" window just to have the paragraphs entered correctly and manually enter the "P" code to paragraph the text..(perhaps I need to take a screen shot to verify)

Also, I still can not spell check while in the "basic Editor" mode and again I have to goto the HTMl source screen to spell check.

One main issues or comment I have at this point is that I've created a discussion area within my page.. and I need to allow some categories viewable while others need to be close and only accessible to paying members.. Even thou I've clearly stated that some of the topic areas are only for paying members, this still doesn't shut or close that area from being viewed by the average public..

I've noticed this about several forums and sites which have this same type of format.. posting group meeting openly.. This make for bad judgment and tactics.. allowing anyone and everyone to see when and where group or private meets can take place. I just feel this is a very unsafe way to handle this type of group meeting. (We need to see if we can correct this) Being that my site deals with travel, camping, outdoors, mountain biking etc.. I'm merely watching out for any members safety who happen to want to meet other like minds etc..

On a positive note.. I have always liked the fact that I can create questions before anyone joins.. sort of testing the waters just to figure out if they are really legit.. So at this point I'll need to sit down with my wife and discuss what the community rules should consist of.

Otherwise at the moment everything is fine and I've just started the page.. added a few things here and there and looking to gain some support.. As always, Thanks for reading and play hard.. and live to tell about it at my site.

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Follow Up: "Tag, Your It"

Why hasn't a tagging system been implemented into the data/text entry format.. yet. I could really use this options when posting blogs.. "Tags" are typically used to group certain topics or categories when blogging or posting images etc.

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