Calender Options


I would like for calender entries to be different colors. When I add two calender events for the same day, they are the same color. It would also be great if different people/agencies had different colored entries. This would make the calender events more distiguishable.

5 Replies

Hi Barry,

Thanks for your feedback. This type of improvement may make its way into an overall initiative to improve our calendar. This work would be in line behind other projects, but I've noted your comments for consideration when we do.

We appreciate your feedback and please keep it coming.

I would agree on color coding the calendar. I use Groupsite for a Board of Directors for a professional association application and we would like to color code our meetings and subgroup meetings while also including in a different color the Association's meetings and events in one calendar. I would recommend multiple color options like Outlook not just two colors.

I would like to be able to set up an event and have a reminder "programmed" into the event ahead of time. In other words, if I set up an event today for something that will happen in two months, I would like to tell it to send an RSVP email two weeks and two days prior to the event. Right now I have to remember to go into the system and send the email. This is too easy to forget.


I agree Rene!  Considering that I usually cannot remember what I had for breakfast, this is a must have and has previously been included as a part of the feedback cycle.


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Client Services/Support


this was posted in 2011, its now 2019... have you made any progress?

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