White label / admin roles


1) Will a complete white label solution become available anytime soon?

I am evaluating groupsite for a professional network and I really like all the features, but the white label is a killer criteria.

I understand that groupsite links are seen as useful to get more people to create groupsites, but please allow me to offer another perspective: People who decide to create a groupsite because of a link to a crispy site are unlikely to launch a sustainable community. While people who are seriously looking to create a community will search the internet (like I was researching ning alternatives) and eventually find their way to groupsite.com. Therefore, I don't think that those links are that important for your business.

2) Feature suggestion: my case: I would like only admins (managers) to be able to invite new members. However, the manager has to many permissions (he could turn the whole network upside down) and I am not willing to delegate that much power. I would be very interested in appointing "administrators" or "officers" who have e.g. the permission to invite new members and e.g edit the group blog - but not more than that. I think that would be a great benefit.

Kind regards,


3 Replies

Hi Gaudenz,


Groupsite.com offers limited White Label Branding as part of our enterprise solution.


1. Custom Header and Footer

 * header/footer HTML replacement or insertion
 * the insertion of JS and CSS into the header of every page

 2. Removal of Groupsite links 

* the removal of create/find links

 * the removal of the Groupsite name and logo (including switch Groupsite, find Groupsite, etc) from some *but* *not* *all* parts of the website, emails, error and system messages.

 3. Custom Terms of Service


If you would like to see a couple of links to "Public" Groups that have limited white label branding, please write to us: support@groupsite.com


Regarding your feature suggestion, we are currently working on it.  


we have three levels of control, Creator (the only person that can
delete the Groupsite), Manager and Member.   We are planning to add 3
additional levels of control to Groupsites.  We are currently working on
this for our Enterprise Dashboard for large Enterprise accounts.  These
are the control categories; the ones in bold are new control categories:

Owner (Limited to one person who can delete the Group and do everything that a manager can do - this is the same as today )

Manager (Can do everything like the owner can accept delete the group - this is the same as today)

Billing Contact ( Receives all billing
information such as subscription renewal.  Currently, this information
goes to all managers; with this change, it will no longer go to all

Moderator  (A moderator will be able to add/delete
posts from everyone and invite members to the Groupsite).  This type of
control would work for Subgroup Manager. This user would not be able to
change any of your content in content modules on the main page of your
Main Group.  (
I believe this is to what you are referring)

Member  (Same as today)

Observer (Can only view the Groupsite in "read only").  They cannot make any changes. 

Unfortunately, I cannot give you a date when these changes will be implemented.

I hope this information helps!

Thank you, Celeste, your information was most helpful. I already wrote to support and I look forward to your upcoming features. Groupsite has great potential!

Thanks Gaudenz!  I just responded to you from Support.


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