Promoting members activity


I think it would be nice to have another level of distinction between member and manager. I was thinking of a way to promote a member without making them a manager so they are recognized for their posts.

I think this could be done by showing an endorsement badge next to or under avatars in the discussions so more people look at the endorsements. The other way is to create an MVP badge or membership status. Either way I think it would be a good motivating factor for people to post.

I don't want to give any members a manager function because they would have access to change headers and other items in the subgroups. An MVP would be a good middle ground.

Has there been any talks of anything like this?

5 Replies

Hi Community Admin,


Today, we have three levels of control, Creator (the only person that can delete the Groupsite), Manager and Member.  We completely understand your situation.  How we are planning to address this is by adding 3 additional levels of control to Groupsites.  We are currently working on this for our Enterprise Dashboard for large Enterprise accounts.  These are the control categories; the ones in bold are new control categories:

Owner (Limited to one person who can delete the Group and do everything that a manager can do - this is the same as today )

Manager (Can do everything like the owner can accept delete the group - this is the same as today)

Billing Contact ( Receives all billing information such as subscription renewal.  Currently, this information goes to all managers; with this change, it will no longer go to all managers)

Moderator  (A moderator will be able to add/delete posts from everyone and invite members).

Member  (Same as today)

Observer (Can only view the Groupsite in "read only").  They cannot make any changes.  (We believe this is to what you are referring)  

These changes will first be rolled out to the Enterprise Dashboard scheduled for January/February 2011, then to everyone else.  Although, we are not sure if all of these categories will exist outside of the Enterprise Dashboard.

I hope this information helps!

Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support

Thanks for the response, Celeste. 

These changes all sound beneficial but they seem to be more geared towards management of the groupsite. I am looking more for ways for users to get recognition for being active posters. I don't know that we are willing to make some of our users moderators quite yet but we want our active members to be distinguished from others. I think the endorsement feature works fine for this but unless someone actually goes to someones profile, they have no knowledge that the person has endorsements. This is why I was proposing some sort of badge that could be visible in discussion areas.

I know you have a long list of improvements and upgrades but I just wanted to throw this one out there.

Have a good holiday.

Sorry for the mis-read Community Admin.  Unfortunately, we do not currently have any enhancements scheduled in this area for the next 6-9 months. This request has been made in the past, so I will add your suggestions to that ticket.  

 I have seen a few groups that have done some interesting things to increase member engagement.  You may want to ask the Champions Community for some advice.  

There are several groups that are currently using contests, Polls and voting to distinguish and recognize users for their engagement and rewarding them with prizes (some virtual prizes and some with really nice gifts).  Some of the virtual prizes that I have seen include "Featuring" the member and their business on the summary page.  Some groups that charge different levels of membership fees will reward engagement with bumping up their membership to the next level for no additional charge or not charging membership fees for 3mos etc.

I hope this helps.


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support

I have been working on my own way of recognizing members per your suggestion, which made me realize I have no way of seeing how many posts a user has. Are there any plans to have individual member statistics in the near future? It would be nice for both sides (Admin and User) to see how many posts each member has.


Hi Community Admin,

I agree, this would be a nice enhancement to our Platform.  Unfortunately, this enhancement has not yet made it to our workload forecast for the near future (the next 6-9 months)... although our priorities are very fluid.  I am sorry that I could not be more helpful.


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support


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