Filing Cabinet edit feature for all???


I was trying to use the technique of having members read files in the filing cabinet and then add descriptions in the Filing Cabinet as a means of generating more involvement and movement around the site and just general awareness of what we had to offer.  Unfortunately, I just was doing an in-person demo with a member on how to do this only to discover that they couldn't do it.  I now see that it is only for managers or the actual person who uploaded the article.  I was hoping this was simply something I'd forgotten to do in the manager preference settings but I can't find any other option for this.  Am I missing it somewhere?  I hope....  Or do you have any "work arounds"?

1 Reply

Hi, Zoe - 

There isn't an override to permit Groupsite members to edit descriptions for all group files, but we do have some suggestions for helping users become more aware of content and what the group has to offer.  

One great way is to use your content modules.  For example, if you craft a strong welcome module, you can help users get to some of its most valuable content.  Here's an example of how we use a hyperlinked graphic to raise awareness and encourage participation in Discussions here in Champions:

GS Champions Hyperlinked Graphic

And, this blog post provides an overview of elements you can add to your welcome module:

Another idea is to have a process to keep members engaged after joining. Some managers find consistent communication to be effective, like sending an email blast to the entire group on a specific day every week with a message including a few things each member can do to become more engaged to better serve the group and themselves.

We hope this helps!

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