Opt-out for sub-group membership



I am wondering whether it would be possible to have a feature in which a GroupSite Manager is able to set one or more sub-groups as "opt-out" membership. That is, for any new member joining the GroupSite, they are also automatically joined to certain sub-groups (and can later opt-out if desired).

Our GroupSite communications are mostly by email blasts from sub-groups. We seem to have difficulty in explaing to new members that they should join sub-groups after they have joined the GroupSite. As such, they miss out on key communications until they realise they need to join.

It would be easier that new members are automatically joined to our key sub-groups, and can later opt-out if they feel that one of these groups is not relevant to them.

An associated request (which would be most useful if the above is not possible), is to enable managers to join a group of members to a sub-group by simply dumping a list of email addresses and pressing a button. Having to click from a pick list (per current functionality) with a site of large membership (we currently have 500+) is far too fiddly.



10 Replies

Hi Nick,

Thank you for your feedback.  The functionality that you describe currently exists.  Groupsite managers currently have the ability to auto assign new/invited/pending and current members directly into Subgroups.   This Bulk Edit/ Subgroup Auto Assign functionality was added in August at the same time that we released Groupsite Mobile. The Bulk Edit/ Subgroup Auto Assign functionality is available to Groupsite (Medium) Pro Plans and above.  In addition, any Subgroup member currently has the ability to quit a subgroup at anytime, just like they can quit a main group at anytime.




Thanks Celeste,

That is encouraging. However, our Groupsite is licensed with all the options, but i can't find the new bulk edit / subgroup auto assign functionality for the life of me. Can you please tell me where I need to look?



Hi Nick,

Here is how this works:

With this Bulk Edit functionality, you have the ability to:

1. Assign existing Groupsite members directly into subgroups; (From the Manage Members Page)

2. Place non-Groupsite members directly into subgroups when you send out invitations to join the Groupsite; (From the Invite Members Page)

3. Bulk edit to change the status of members; (From the Manage Members Page)

4. Bulk edit to remove members from the Groupsite; (From the Manage Members Page)

5. Bulk edit to purge pending invitations or re-invite members; (From the Pending Members Page)

Using the search filters will help you to determine who you want to include in your bulk edit.  In the Pending Invites, you can filter your search by Email, Inviter's Name, Sent, and Status.  In Invite Members, you can filter your search by Email, Email Bouncing, Gender, Joined, Last Online, Name, Professional Status, Source, and Status.   

Now for the fun part; This is how it works for users who are already members of the Groupsite ( from the Manage Members Page):

1. Go to your manager tab on the far right;   

2. Click on manage members;

3. You will see edit button on the far right next to each member's name.  If you want to place any member in a Subgroup, Click on the edit button.

4. You will see that you will have the ability to change the status of that member for all of the Subgroups that you have created.  You no longer have to send an invitation to that person to join a Subgroup.

5. Make sure that you click update to save those changes.

6. Now, one thing you should know... When you assign a member to the Subgroup, our system will not notify that person that he/she has been added to a subgroup.  As the Subgroup manager, you would have to notify that person. 

This is how it works for users who are NOT already members of the Groupsite ( from the Invite Members Page):

After you craft your invitation message, click on “More options” in the red text below the message box. A drop down menu will appear that will allow you to choose which subgroup you want to make them a member of.

If you have any additional questions regarding the use of this feature, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hi Celeste,

Thanks for the detailed feedback, but I don't think my requirements have been addressed.

Firstly, the step by step instructions describe what I must do for an individual member. But what are the step by step instructions for bulk edit?

Secondly, the key thing I am looking for is the ability to automatically assign new members to sub groups without any manager intervention. In your first response, you mentioned "auto-assign", but I can't see any reference / instructions for how to do this in your second response.

Can you help with this?



Hi Nick,

1. For Bulk edit, Go to your Manage Members page.  Put a check in the box located on the left next to the name of all the members displayed (or that you have previously submitted a filter to get the group that you want), then click on the "edit" button located next to the "remove" button ( Not the edit button located to the far right of each member line). You will now be able to bulk edit  members.  You will see a list of all of your subgroups.  You can change the status for these Groupsite members to subgroup member or admin depending on what you want.  Then click update and repeat the same process until all of the group members you selected have been assigned into the subgroup.  

2. You can auto assign people into a subgroup(s) at the same time that you are sending the invitation to join the main Groupsite.  After you craft your invitation message, click on “More options” in the red text below the message box. A drop down menu will appear that will allow you to choose which subgroup you want to make them a member of. You can select member or admin.  

Please let me know if I am still not addressing your issue.  I have to admit it is past my bedtime, and I am confusing myself Embarassed.  I was just checking in to see if there were any emergencies that needed to be addressed in Support tomorrow morning. I saw a few messages in Support and decided to respond tonight... bad idea huh?

No worries and understood Celeste.

You have covered most - but not all - of my wishes. I now understand the bulk edit feature - that looks good.

What I'd like to be able to do is auto-assign new members who request membership to the groupsite, rather than those who are invited. This is the most common method by which new members join our groupsite.

Feel free to answer at a more sociable hour tomorrow!



Hi Nick,

In the case of "Request for Approval" membership,  you would have to first approve the membership; then auto assign the individual(s) into Subgroups from the manage members page. 




You will then need to follow these instructions once you approve their membership:

If you want to place 1 existing Groupsite member into a subgroup, go to the <Manager Tab; <Manage Members; find the individual you want to place in a subgroup (you can use the search filters to locate the person); Click on the box to the left of his/her name; then click on the Edit button to the far right on that same row; this will bring up a page that has a list of subgroups that you can place the person in by changing the status from non-member to member or admin. Make sure that to click on the update button to save the changes.

If you want to place multiple existing Groupsite members into subgroups,  go to the <Manager Tab; <Manage Members; use the filter to select a specific group of Groupsite members to place in a subgroup (make sure that you submit the filter); Click on the Edit button located just under the Filter Button; this will bring up a page that has a list of subgroups that you can place the individuals that you selected in by changing the status from non-member to member or admin. Make sure that you click on the update button to save the changes.


Thanks Celeste,

With your latest comments in mind, I would have to say that my original request seems to remain worthwhile. While there are ways to achieve what I am after through various mechanisms, overall, there is some amount of "fiddliness" involved, and a methodology that differs depending on how the member joins.

I would like to see some functionality by which we could define certain sub-groups as "auto-assign" for new members, regardless of whether members join by invitation or request. This would result in a simple and consistent method by which new members would always be joined to certain sub-groups at sign up, irrespective of join-up method, and with no intervention by managers.

Secondly, it would be very helpful to be able to perform bulk-edits on existing members by providing a text-based list of email addresses as a filter. With large memberships, it is much too fiddly to go through and click boxes to select the necessary members. Also, it is not necessarily possible to define a filter that will pick up the correct group of members.

I hope these suggestions are clear. I believe that these would both complement existing functionality.

I am interested to know whether there are other Groupsite users who feel this functionality might be useful.



Thanks Nick.  Your feedback has been noted.



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