"Summary" tab should be changed to "Home"


I think people are generally more attuned to seeing the link for "Home" or "Main". The term summary doesnt make me think i'm heading back to the beginning again, which is ultimately where you people want to go when looking for this link.

I know it's trivial but it's a simple UI change, that makes CX a little more user friendly.

6 Replies

I remember suggesting this, way back when.

I think that the summary page should be a sub-tab under "Home" or "Main".  This way, we could also allow folks to create their own main sub-tabs under that tab, especially now that we have a WYSIWYG editor.

Not only do I agree Ross, but see this earlier request of mine (Click Here)

We'll make the Summary tab name editable so that it can be changed to Home, Main or whatever anyone decides it should be. I personally always felt that summary was appropriate because it describes the content that is found there... it's basically a summary of the information that's contained in your Groupsite.

I don't like the idea of offering sub-tabs on the Summary Page... if the page is designed to summarize the information that is contained within the Groupsite, I feel that it should remain a standalone.  Sub menus and sub-tabs should exist under other menu options as outlined in our upcoming menu restructure.

At a bare minimum, the site logo should be linkable to home. It's another common industry practice which a lot of people are used to.

If i don't find the home link, i oft click on the logo for a link backwards.

Ross.  I agree. Our new interface will support the ability to rename the summary tab to "home" or "main".  We are very excited about the development of the new interface.

I agree that the "Summary" should be changed to "Home".  In the same light, I would like to suggest changing the "Discussions" Tab to "Forum" because it actually links to Forums, not always Discussions. 

In our website, www.technologyinnovationcenter.com, we use these Forums to store information and establish Topics within each Forum, if we encourage comments.  This makes more sense to our users because they get information in these Forums and sub-Topics that have nothing to do with Discussions.

Main Menu Tab: "Forum"

links to "Forums"

"Topics" Tab Links to Topics



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