It Has Been Two Weeks..


After Creating my multiple groups and gaining a small but loyal following.. I'm getting reports of the users having way to much difficulty in registering, filling out their profile data sheets etc.. True I encountered this upon my first arrival here. but have grown to over look if or simply put N/A in many of the slots.. the issue here is depending on the browser. No one is willing to take part in the "wiki" format I've set up due to the fact of the very complex and some what complected setup and text entry format. I have mentioned this before.. having the multiple windows (basic/advanced/html/text) is not allowing users to edit, correct and modify what they have enter.. often when one paragraph is completed.. then one "enters" to create a new paragraph.. the first paragraph become the second etc.. (again this is due to the browser one maybe using at the time) I have tested this with all browser.. and each one has its own little set of glitches.. So if you may have already noticed.. This paragraph is continuing on down the page in fear that If I press "enter" the paragraph with simply not stay in a relative order.. Yesterday.. I worked nearly three hours just on one blog post which should have only taken 30 min to complete.. This format adds html marks and coding where it isn't necessary..So nearly 3/4 of my time was trying to reedit hyperlinks I created.. etc.. You need to get rid of the "professional" profiler data sheet, simplified the text entry format, allow for image edit via click and drag system.. I found that many are leaving my site and heading back to facebook.. (same issue as Yahoo) once hooked they don't want to leave. Speaking of which.. I may even return to face book myself.. sad I really like groupsite and the guys here.. just the format is very close to that of "wetpaint" and I despise wetpaint.. If you've ever tried it.. you'll understand. Guys "Make It Simple, Make it Real And They Will Come"

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Clearly.. After my time offline.. the format still hasn't changed.. the text entry window consisted of four tabs and not one or at least two.. seems there was a change of admins or reps on the forum.. cause I've noticed a few new faces.. Grrr.. still attempting to "right" click to spell check and again.. this text entry format doesn't allow for current spell checking.. having to copy and paste over into "my" text window then repasting here.. bother..

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