What Exactly Does "Suspended" Mean When A Member Is Suspended?


What specifically happens to a suspended member? are they completely locked out of the site?

10 Replies

Brian --A suspended member can only get to the Summary page of a Groupsite, and it is a "read only" view. Other than accessing HELP, such as using the "Contact Managers" or "Feedback" links, the suspended member cannot access other areas or participate in the Groupsite.
 A suspended member will not receive announcements (Email Blast, Discussion blast, etc.) from the Groupsite. They will receive Recent Activity Update digests, but we want to omit suspended members from this distribution in the future (Ticket #2343).

A suspended member will see "Suspended" next to their Groupsite name in the Switch Groupsites drop-down menu. Their suspension status would remain until such time a Manager changed their status back to "member."


Thanks Diana. Is a notice sent to the member notifying them of the suspension?

Brian - We currently do not send a suspension notice.


Thanks for clarifying this.

As Group Manager I warn a member twice and if they fail to comply as per forum rules, we have suspended a few of them. We do that by sending an individual intimation to them and change their forum rights status to "Suspended"


Sethu V


Is suspended the same as deleting a member? I did not see where there was a button for suspenson. Only deletion.

Hi works4me,

Suspension is not the same as removing/deleting a member.  As Groupsite Manager, you may have need to suspend a member from your Groupsite, rather than deleting the member. A simple example is a dues paying organization where someone has not payed their dues but intends to shortly.

This is what happens when you Suspend a member:

The suspension is immediate.  A suspended member can only get to the Summary page of a Groupsite and it is a "read only" view. Other than accessing HELP (such as using the "Contact Managers" or "Feedback" links), the suspended member cannot access other areas or participate in the Groupsite.

A suspended member will not receive announcements (Email Blast, Discussion blast, etc.) from the Groupsite. They will receive Recent Activity Update digests.

A suspended member will see "Suspended" next to their Groupsite name in the Switch Groupsites drop-down menu. Their suspension status remains until such time a Manager changes their status back to "member."  Groupsites do not send a suspension notice to that member.

Here are the steps to Suspending a member:


1. Select the MANAGER tab,

2. select the "Manage Members" subtab

3. Locate the member from your list of members. Then, click on either "Member" in the Status column or choose "Edit" in the far right column. 

4. A membership page for the member will load. Change the member's status to "Suspended" and choose "Update."

You can change them back to "Member" at any time and their account will be as good as new.

When you delete a member, you have completely removed that member from your Groupsite. 

Let me know if you need additional assistance.


Celeste Sharper Wooten


Director, Client Services/Support

Thank you for the help!

It's our pleasure!


Celeste Sharper Wooten


Director, Client Services/Support

Is there an easy way to send a form email to the member when you are suspending them or does it need to be two separate processes? I am thinking for a dues-paying organization like mine, it would be very useful to be able to suspend and then send a form email saying you will get access back as soon as your dues are paid.

Hi Lindsey,

The functionality to "send a form email to a member when you are suspending them" as a part of the suspension process does not currently exist and Groupsites do not send a suspension notice to that member.

We suggest that you contact the member via "Private Message" prior to suspending them to make them aware of the action(s) you plan to take. 

We're sorry that we could not be more helpful at this time.


Celeste Sharper Wooten


Director, Client Services/Support


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