Need a SuperAdmin Level of Security


One thing that I am personally running into is that you are either a Manager or a Member.  I do not want to give 20 people access to making changes on the site.  As soon as they are promoted to Manager, they get access to the Managers tab and that drives me crazy.  There should be a SuperManager/SuperAdmin level of security that will allow managers to do group creation, etc, but not play with site details.

What chances do we have of getting something like this implemented?

8 Replies

LinkedIn came up with a similar concept called "Content Managers". These people will not have access to any of the Admin privileges like Member Approvals, Removals, Group functions etc., but can only have certain degree of control on the Discussion Forum. It will be useful to have similar functionality for larger groups.

I concur. 

In addition, administrative emails or alerts really should NOT be delivered to all "managers". 

With the "custom domain" emails that went out to all managers last night, I have had to calm down a quite number of people who 1) wanted to know what the heck it meant 2) what they needed to do and 3) questioned why they would be sent this type of urgent "action required" email in the first place when the only reason they were made a manager was to be able to invite people and send email alerts.

It would be help out immensely to create one more (higher) permission level.

Sounds great to me. Or if there's another way to handle it, such as specifically selecting which area(s) the manager would cover (such as monitoring a forum), that could be helpful, too.

I agree...we definitely need the Super Manager functionality which has access to the changes. Whereas managers will have access/control over the content, discussions, etc. I had given this suggestion a year back..nothing happened :(



I have a similar issue.  We have a group of 'managers' who each have different roles with managing the site.  It would be so helpful to be able to divvy out the responsibilities and the incoming emails or tag them in some way, so "Tom" knows he can 'ignore all of these ones' Cool

Is it possible to establish a group Administrator option with control over group in entirety & control over setting different permissions for managers, perhaps allowing managers to suspend but not remove members?  

I would like to be able to set different access levels/permissions for different areas, like assigning moderators for specific discussion forums (other than needing to establish each forum as a separate "group" requiring membership for each) or allowing control over blog or calendar.

I don't want to put a lot of work into a group & possibly have someone I assigned manager authority (to help oversee) delete the whole thing.

Hi, Alisyn - it is not possible today to set different access levels/permissions for different areas for the members of your Groupsite. I agree entirely that it's important to have an "owner" role with more comprehensive access than a "regular" manager, but I don't know that we'll ever consider area-specific permissions, 1) to keep things simple for all group types, and 2) because so much can be managed through the use of subgroups.

Using public subgroups may be the best way for you to continue managing this need - and I very much like the idea of our continuing to improve subgroups.

Also, while it's absolutely true that a manager will have ability to delete forums, topics, memberships, modules, etc. in a Groupsite, I did want to mention that only the Groupsite creator can delete the entire Groupsite (upon confirmation!) using the "delete Groupsite" option.



Hi Diana,

Your point in the final paragraph raises an interesting issue. Can Groupsite support re-assign the creator role? Yes, this sounds odd. But I think about those who created a  Groupsite as part of our job duties. If we were to leave our positions, but wanted the Groupsite to continue through its useful life, can the creator role be handed off? Thanks.

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