

I would like to migrate my group over to collectivex. With my group, I am able to schedule events (such as hiking, rafting, dance lessons) and charge my members via paypal.

Is there any chance we will see a paypal feature in the future where we can charge and collect payments?


10 Replies

Your timing is on the money. Within the next few weeks we will be rolling out a transaction premium feature that will enable you to do exactly what you are requesting.

Stay tuned for more information.

Hi Clarence - any news on the PayPal feature?

Spencer... we are working on a major Groupsite redesign so that we are better able to support the addition of new features.  Following the redesign, at the top of our list is our transaction/PayPal feature.  

Meanwhile, may I suggest trying to paste in PayPal's widget code.  I'm fairly sure its been discussed here in Champions.



Spencer, how do you like the site, I was think about setting up a site, but I really just want to keep my members within collectivex.  Have people sign up for another site and communiticate within it is difficult. 

Hi Roque,

Is this what you are looking for:

I have made and embedded a Paypal Button with direct link to my Paypal Payment Page - Go to and click "Pay Now" Button and see how it works.



That is exactly what I want to do!!!  Unfortunately, I am not a programmer, and I cannot figure it out.  I can get a widget from paypal and cut/paste it in via html, and the banner will appear.  Like before, however, the image is not active and when you click on it, the image will not take you to paypal.

How did you get yours to work?  Can you show us the code and maybe I can figure it out?  Otherwise, I need step-by-step instructions.

 Since CollectiveX does not yet support the paypal widgets, it has basically killed my business.  Fortunately, I can e-mail paypal invoices, but that is a lot of work.  I am keeping most of my members on until CollectiveX figures something out.




Excellent Dennis, it's a simple solution that does get the job done.

Roque...In your PayPal business account, click the Merchant Services tab and you'll see a few options to create different kinds of buttons. For example, click the "Buy Now Button graphic and link" and the form will walk you through the button configuration. Put your details in, select the button style, hit "Create Button Now", etc...then you'll get the code. Copy and paste this code into the WYSIWIG editor in Collective X and that should do it. There's a couple of other options for different types of buttons (depends on the purpose, your need, etc.)...but, basically, it's that simple. Hope this helps...

I still look forward to a seamless solution that's part of the Member sign-up process.


Thanks Spencer,

Roque, your Buy Now Button MUST by encrypted, so YES to Button encryption. (you can not use a Button encryption in an Email, but you should never do that anyway)

What is your Groupsite and I will look at your Paypal Widget.

Regards, Dennis

Thanks, guys.  The instructions Spencer put out is what I had been trying to do for months, and it looks like CollectiveX will now let you put in code containing form tags into the summary page.  It works!!!

I don't really need the Paypal button on the summary page, though.  Since I have a variety of events at different price points, I really need to put the button within the calendar under a specific event.  It appears that CollectiveX does not yet allow the code to be inserted for a specific event.

Kudos for CollectiveX for allowing Paypal buttons on the Summary Page.  It doesn't help me much, but I'm sure other folks may be appreciate it.

CollectiveX please send out an e-mail when you implement something everyone has been wanting, like inserting a paypal widget on the summary page.



Roque, the best and most secure solution will be to host the PayPal Button(s) on your own Webserver (even when CollectiveX add Form Tag and Script Tag). Your make in your Calendar a Payment URL (can be a PayPal Button Image) which direct to your Webserver (just 1 extra click)

Please take a look at our Platforms and Web Services and see if you can use some of them for your company:

GizmoVideo Conferencing makes it possible to use Video, Audio and Chat,
instantly. Hold secure meetings with unlimited people in any size room -

GizmoVideo Presentation makes it possible
to use Video, Audio and Chat to present instantly. Hold secure
presentations with unlimited people in one (1) room -

Video Encoding and Hosting (Progressive Downlad and Flash Media Server3) -

Regards, Dennis

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