How Do I Change the Default Profile Pic?


I did some searches but came up empty on this topic.

Is there a way to alter the standard "silhouette head" that is provided for folks who don't upload their own picture?  I'd like to jazz that default image up a bit with our own choice.

Is that possible?


4 Replies

Hi, Scott.  At first glance, I love the idea. It's fun. With a little more thought, however, I hesitate - we try to keep to the 90% rule, adding only the most useful features, those used by 90% of groups 90% of the time. Another thought: the best scenario is that a user upload their picture. We don't want the avatars so cute that there's less incentive for the user to do so.

If the goal was to populate a directory with 50 cute avatars for people to use, I'd agree with you.  However, I don't think that allowing the single (err 2 for M/F) default image to be changed would substantially alter the take rate on upgrading to a personal photo.

In any event, thanks for the response!

If you are the manager of your site, you are able to upload a picture for them. If you have someone with a little creativity, you can create your own avatars to place as pictures in their profile. I did something similar with our group, but in our printed directory. For those who didn't provide a photo, I created an image that said "no photo provided" over a silhouette image.

One more thought: You may be able to find something for free on the internet.

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