Autosubscribe members?
Does anyone know of a way to automatically subscribe people to a groupsite?
We are offering an e-course that people can sign up for on our website. We are using CollectiveX to provide a community group around that course.
I would like to have a way to automatically have people subscribed to the group when they sign up for the course.
Right now we're looking at a manual process, which could become a real pain if we get more than a few people at a time.
And the immediate issue is that we are participating in a mass mailing which is going out to about 5 million people. Odds are, of course, that relatively few people will click through and sign up. But if we do get a lot, we'd like to be able to handle it. We sure won't be able to do it manually in any reasonable timeframe.
Does anyone know any tricks?
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Unfortunately, there isn't a way to automatically subscribe folks to a Groupsite. If you send an email confirmation to your course registrants, one suggestion would be to include a link to the Groupsite in that communication, or any subsequent communications, to them.
Adding this functionality may be something we consider as more and more groupsites form, but currently this feature doesn't pass our 90% rule - 90% of the groups using it 90% of the time.
Also, most of our partnership relationships are handled by our Chief Involvement Officer, Shaun Callahan. If you do reach the point where you have a very large list of participants that you need to get into your Groupsite, you may want to reach out to him.
Hope this helps.
Hi Diana,
I'm sorry - I think I'm using the wrong language.
I meant, how can we send an invite to the people who have signed up on our website? Right now it seems to be a manual process, and I would like for it to be automated.
One option is to use a script - the kind of thing we can do with Macro Scheduler ( But my web developer says you have a captcha, which will make that difficult.
It's good to know that Shaun might be able to help. I'll send him an email.
Hi, may I cast another vote for the same thing? I would also like to sign people up automatically - in my case, when they make a payment through paypal. As it is, I have to notice that the payment has landed and rush to manually send them an invitation email.
Judy, would you let me know if you found a way round, please?
Best wishes,
We haven't found a work-around yet. We're doing the same thing you are.
The best alternative we have found is to use a script writer - we'll try Macro Scheduler - if we start getting a significant volume of signups. Not sure if it will work, but that's what we'll try.
Thanks for the update - and good luck with your project.
I moved my google group over to groupsite, in order to take advantage of the features. I run into two challenges when I did that:
1. I had about 400 users on my google group. Porting them over requires that I send an invitation to each one of them. I wish I could autosubscribe them. As it stands today, 226 members have not yet accepted the invitation. Becas
2. Members are used to contributing to discussions by sending emails to the group. On group site, they have to log in first. Is there a way to submit comments/discussion topics through an email that is assigned to a groupsite? In this case every comment/discussion emailed to that group site will be queued in the pending messages box until the site manager approves it. When approving the site manager, can select the forum and topic where the message will be posted.
Option 2 is very important to facilitate communication and the free flow of information among members. Please expedite these features
Just have a similar problem. We have a web site where several administrators grant access to users (it is a job board). Then we offer the Groupsite community as an added value, however I have to invite them manually. Could it be possible to use the e-mail of our users to create an invitation to the Groupsite at the same time we validate their access to the main site?
We have 2000 users and an average of 50 to 60 new users per month.