Communities Empower Self-Employed Professionals & Solopreneurs


Once upon a time, not all that long ago, the list was the valued treasure of the kingdom and its owner king. The bigger your list, the more money you made. This was a good thing.

The limitation of these list, no matter how big, was they were basically about one-way communication. E-newsletters, ezines, broadcast emails could take your message to your world way faster, cheaper and easier than traditional communication channels. Yet except for reply emails (if a reply address was provided,) members of the list had no way of communicating with the list owner, certainly not with themselves.

Times changed and with it Internet and computer technology. Maybe we could call Yahoo groups and their kin the pre-dawn of the new age of Web 2.0. We could  gather in cyber-groups. Members of the list could finally meet, greet, and communicate with each other. Yet, the technology behind these groups made it difficult for people in different locations to come together in the spirit of cooperation to collaborate on joint projects.

Yes, there were a few powerful tools, like Lotus Notes. These were only available to the larger companies with deep pockets... certainly out of reach of the self-employed professionls, solo-prenerus and small business owners who also had needs and desires to connect and co-create with like-minded people.

For years we made due... at best...

Then we moved into the the Age of Web 2.0. Joy, excitement, relief... combine with overwhelm, confusion and more to learn, more time spent on good things for us social creatures. We w

The dawn of the new age created by Web 2.0 has now past. The sun is rising in the sky illuminating the power and the weakness of social networking tools, technologies and strategies.

For some who wish to connect and communicate, to find long-lost friends, school buddies and co-workers social networking is perfect. We can find out who's who and what's what through profiles (when they are well crafted.) We can reach out and touch someone with text, pictures, and audio and video recordings. We can invite others to join our groups, invite people to events, and keep people updated about our progress on projects. We can share pictures and videos. We can do a better job of sharing our expertise with the world through blogs which even allow for feedback and interaction among members as well as the blog owner. These are all good, even great ways for the people of the kingdom to get to know, like and trust each other.

Yet we are moving beyond the consciousness of being the rigged individual. The world of business has changed and those of us who used to fly solo long for and need to be able to do more than find each other, connect and communicate. We need to do more. We need to be able to come together to co-create and collaborate.

A new day has dawned. Now we can use traditional social networking and media to find, connect, and communicate with like-minded people. We can now find people from around the country and around the world whom we would otherwise never have met. Now we can come to know, like and trust them.

Most important, we now have a platform for collaboration. Thanks to Groupsites Powered by CollectiveX, we can now come together and collaborate in ways never before possible.

What do we need now? Here's I believe we need:

* We need people on the leading edge to pre-pave the way for others to optimize the new consciousness of cooperation by sharing their thoughts and feelings about what's now possible.

* We need people who are ready, willing, and able to lead by example, to demonstrate how to live in the spirit of cooperation and leverage the new technology to bring together brilliant minds separated by miles. Distance can no longer stop us from making magic happen. And given the challenges we are facing on so many levels in so many places, we the people of the planet NEED to come together in powerful ways to co-create new solutions, and then spread the word far and wide.

* We need people who can show others how to use Groupsites powered by CollectiveX so more and more people discover the inner workings of the technology itself. While some do learn by reading text and others have the courage and technical know-how to go exploring on their own, many of us, especially those who are uncomfortable, overwhelmed and confused by all these new-fangled tools and technologies, need to see and hear, to show and tell, and especially to hold their hands while the learn. We need people who are passionate about teaching others and do so in a respectful, empowering way.

* We need people to spread the word about Groupsites powered by CollectiveX so more and more people come to know their time has come, the tools and training to optimize this new consciousness of colla</li>
boration are available now and they're FREE!

How cool is that!

Are you ready to raise your hand, to volunteer to be a leader in though, word and deed? Come join us. We need you now.

If you're interested in learning more, please ask. I am assistant teaching classes with Russell Cox, the expert in using the technically of CollectiveX, the philosophy of collaboration, and the coming together of the two so we can apply the power of Groupsites.

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