How to Send Email to Groupsite


I'm still a CollectiveX newbie, so please forgive me if this question has already been asked and answered.

I'm a convert from yahoogroups and I'm slowly migrating my user community over. CollectiveX is much more powerful for generating discussions and user interaction and I'm liking it, except for one little snag.

In the past I could send an email to which was convenient for sending the same email to multiple lists.

Now I post to my blogspot blog and then cut-and-paste the content into the wysiwyg CollectiveX editor to create a discussion thread in my groupsite. I post to two groupsites, so I have to go through this manual process twice.

Is there an easier way? Can I send email to my CollectiveX community members directly from my email client?

20 Replies


I believe you can achieve this via Email Blasts(Communicate > Email Blasts).


Hi Sanjay,

Thanks for the response but...

I'm already using Email Blasts. It's manually intensive.

I'm trying to send email from my email client directly into CollectiveX.

Sanjay - Today we do not have what you are requesting. I completely understand the nature of your request.  Unlike Yahoo Groups (which is basically a glorified listserv - as admitted to us by Yahoo Execs themselves), we are not a listerv. But, we do intend on being a listserv killer in that we are replacing listservs everyday.

To be able to respond to a Groupsite from your own email client, including mobile, would be an extremely strong blow to the old school listservs and would remove the last barrier that any of these folks have to not switching to Groupsites.

We have it in our development plans but have not completed our due diligence on how to accomplish this in the most user-friendly way.


Thanks for the response Shaun. I'm a die hard techie who started with an Atari 400 and a 300 baud modem to connect online to a BBS. And when we moved from phone number lists on faxes to email aliases, I thought I was in 7th heaven. Sending out a message blast is what we do, so egroups was a great tool for us that we followed into yahoogroups. Now we're using CollectiveX to stay connected and also using Constant Contact for those folks who refuse to build online profiles to get our messages.

So since we are still of the email blast mentality, any assistance you can offer to help us blast from the same source (e.g. email client or even blog RSS feed) would be greatly appreciated.


The members of new groupsite are used to contributing to discussions by sending emails to the group. On group site, they have to log in first. Is there a way to submit comments/discussion topics through an email that is assigned to a groupsite? In this case every comment/discussion emailed to that group site  will be queued in the pending messages box until the site manager approves it. When approving the site manager, can select the forum and topic where the message will be posted.

This is great feature that will increase participation and improve the freeflow of information.


Is there an update to this old request? 

I have a couple different groupsite memberships asking me for this feature. 


Tommy, thanks for commenting here and we do understand the value of this request. We don't have this in the works yet.  I'm afraid our developers have been busy with other must-do projects, and we do still want to add this as soon as we can.

Diana Giglio, Support



Groupsite, Diana et al.:

Is there any forward movement with implementing this feature yet?!?  Not having this feature has become a real big issue for our membership and as much as they really really love Groupsite, this feature is critical for them and they are considering other solutions. 

Would a 'donation' of some kind help get this greatly asked for new feature to the top of your development team's to do list? 

Other Groupsite customers who are interested in this feature, please post to this thread to let Groupsite know (and to what degree you are interested in it). 


Hi Tommy,

While this feature still makes our top list, it is not in development at the moment. I also wish I could give you an estimate for when, but with our small team and fluid environment, I cannot provide a realistic estimate.

Regarding a donation...thank you! although we don't really have a model for this. As a small business, we generally prioritize based on our business needs, the market, whether or not we have another feature that helps meet the need, and the overall demand for the feature within Groupsites. The good news is that this feature does meet our 90% rule -- meaning, it would be a "most used" feature by the great majority of Groupsites -- always a consideration for where we apply our resources. And, as another plus, our recent move to a cloud-style environment in general frees up some of our resources to work on other things.

We know we do a great job helping folks make things happen, but we also realize you need and deserve to have your groups' specific needs met. We also appreciate your feedback and communication here. While we would hate to lose your groups, and do most certainly care - and agree in the value of the feature - we understand if you need to find an alternative that can give you this functionality, today.

I hope this helps.

Just adding my voice to this request. An ability to email a reply to a discussion, and a daily "digest" of emails would be a super improvement.

I also agree this option would be a highly useful feature.  Encouraging easier ways for people to participate by actively contributing not just appreciating email blasts from me would be really helpful.

Sent via Groupsite Mobile. We discussed this feature in our weekly staff meeting today. After much discussion, I requested to move chat in front of this feature on the priority list :(

It's been several months since this was discussed.  Presumably, chat is close to being finished (though it's not even on the must-have list for my group.)

Any word on where posting or replying to a group e-mail is on the Feature development list?

Hi Brian,

Both Chat and "Replying to a Group Email" are scheduled for implementation in 2011 with Chat being implemented first.  We are a little off schedule as we shifted resources so that we could continue to make steady progress in becoming 508 compliant and adding self-serve functionality for White Label branding of the header and footer areas within a Groupsite.  

We have made the progress that we planned in those areas, now back to Chat and "Replying to a Group Email".


Celeste Sharper Wooten

Director, Client Services/Support

What I need is similar, but not identical to what is discussed here.   I am hosting a GroupSite community and need to keep our blog active and updated.   I need the functionality--identical to what my WordPress blogs allow--to post to the blog via email.

This is important to me because I am gathering blog material reading RSS and news sites on my iPad.  The iPad apps allow me to forward material as email, so I can go directly from those items into my WordPress blogs.

With my GroupSite blog, I need to save those items into InstaPaper, then go into InstaPaper later on my PC and manually build the blog entries in GroupSite.  It is enough extra labor that many of my potential posts never get made, and the ones that do are much less timely.

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